This Iranian thriller, directed by the self-exiled filmmaker Abdolreza Kahani and featuring lesser-known artists, is truly a hidden gem. It's one of those rare experiences where you watch an Iranian movie and are left incredibly excited. The film skillfully navigates the personal struggles of a government agent and three women trapped in a totalitarian regime. The performances are exceptional, drawing audiences in with their depth and unpredictability.
This independent thriller offers a unique and unforgettable viewing experience. It's unfortunate that it hasn't received wider recognition, as it truly deserves it. The film also bravely tackles the taboo subject of relationships between two women in Iran, highlighting the challenges faced by Iranian women, especially lesbians, who are often marginalized by society and even their own families due to their sexual orientation.
The director and writer seize the opportunity to delve into the lives of three women from different perspectives, masterfully weaving their stories into the narrative. Rezvan, portrayed by Ghazal Parto, embodies the traditional woman who does whatever her husband asks, bound by her religious and conservative upbringing. She tries to obey her husband, Amir Fatemi (Ali Aryana), and covers up anything that threatens her life.
Reyhaneh, played by Nazanin Arabani, is Rezvan's sister and a lesbian woman growing up in the same restrictive family environment. She faces the additional burden of societal taboos and conservative culture, struggling to find her way and love amidst the constraints.
Aida, performed by Sadaf Shakouri, represents the new generation. She grew up like many Iranians who have left the country after the Islamic regime's rise to power, and she is now most likely Canadian. Aida comes from a world with no boundaries and freedom, creating an interesting dynamic and challenges when she interacts with this traditional family. She finds herself in a very dramatic situation, abandoning her beliefs and struggling for her life.
It is a testament to the director's brilliance that he tells the stories of these three different women and their struggles, offering a poignant and comprehensive look at the varied experiences of Iranian women. Through this lens, the film provides valuable insight into the struggles for freedom in Iran, particularly for women. It sheds light on the daily battles faced by Iranian women, offering viewers a better understanding of the complexities of life and freedom in Iran.