- In the crucial summer of 1943, as Allied fortunes hang in the balance, the Gestapo's 'most wanted' in Paris is a young Indian Muslim woman and Special Operations Executive agent, known as Nora Baker.
- Nora - Noor Inayat Khan, the daughter of an Indian Sufi spiritual leader of royal blood, and the young American woman who crossed the Atlantic and the race divide to marry him - is the Allies' first woman wireless operator, a role with an average life expectancy of just six weeks. Shy, gentle and slight, a writer of children's stories, Noor has already caused division among her trainers, with some sure that this dreamy, sensitive girl should never have been allowed near the front line. With German detector vans crawling the streets, zeroing in on her telltale signal - Noor's vital mission becomes to build a new network that can organize the French 'Secret Armies' to rise up and join the Allies on D-Day. The true story of a remarkable and complex woman, who defies every prejudice and stereotype, this is a six-part thriller about the British agent there was the most dissent about sending to war - and the one who most completely disappeared.
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