This show holds such a special place in my heart. It's absolutely no Octonauts or Wild Kratts, but a good handful of people (like me) wanting something with whimsy or genuine fun from an obscure piece of media would likely have a good time with this long as you don't mind the ducks too much. Arguably my least favorite part from this show, but I'll get into that later. For now, I genuinely think this show neat as long as you don't treat it like it's supposed to be the best thing or ambitious for kids media.
The premise is simple: a bunch of birds (and one bat) go around in a dirigible (that advertises toothpaste) going around the world and rescuing animals along the way. Its educational value is less in the animal facts and accuracy department, and more like showing various locations around the world and problem solving. A good amount of the situations the animals need help from are pretty absurd (what other show would have an elephant on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a dolphin stuck on a tree, or a rhino in a gondola?), and the show relies on a bit of cartoon logic to make them happen, but the crow (I love to see good corvid representation) connecting the problem to a memory or observation for a solution is a pretty neat skill to teach kids. Probably something to keep in mind is that some characters are more competent and used more than others for the mission to go forward, so I wish some of the characters got more spotlight.
There's some pretty clever humor in the show in both conversation and visual gags, and I have found NO toilet humor on this show (from what I remember and have seen, the English dub is mostly lost) despite what seeing the ducks might make you think. Then again, a few characters may prove to be fairly dumb (outside of them being animals and just discovering the world outside their enclosure), and the ducks...UHHHHHHHH. You're gonna have to brace yourself for the scenes with the ducks' bakeries. There's only a *few* episodes where it's truly DeviantArt material, so not everything about the show is about waterfowl cake fortunately. And I can't completely hate the ducks, too, as sometimes their role in a rescue actually saves a creature's life.
For technical quality, ehhh the CGI is something you'd expect from the 2000s and made in Italy, and it's the first animated show from the independent studio that made Taratabong (which maybe you recognize). As the show progresses, you can see the animation getting better. Some of the textures are hilarious to look at from a 2020s standpoint, but I think the drawn backgrounds are neat to look at. A lot of the character designs are neat, some are goofy but still work, but a few (outside of the ducks) are not that pleasant to look at (looking at you pigeon from the last episode).
Unfortunately this show is shockingly hard to find in full, besides the French dub on YouTube uploaded by ToonFlix (however that version grew to have this weird black filter over it when it didn't before, and the images in precise seeking don't reflect that). There's only a few Italian episodes uploaded by TOPOSODO's channel, and full episodes of the English dub are yet to be found because of course it had to be taken off of Netflix in 2014. There are clips of the Chinese dub on Toutiao and the full series in Persian (I believe) on Aparat. So tbh your best bet is to watch the Persian dub, but I don't really like it because the casting is SO WEIRD for the hummingbird (given a deep voice) and the woodpecker (he sounds like a chain smoker). I'm still on my journey to get my hands on the English dub so I can form my ultimate opinion on this show. For now, I wish kids today could experience Bird Squad like I did. There's something so pleasant about this show and how it's simple and cute little work of art that doesn't feel cheap, patronizing, or excessively marketable towards youngins.