2 reviews
I saw this documentary yesterday at the Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Festival and like several other selections at the festival so far it was a real revelation. This is such an incredibly topical documentary. We haven't begun to scratch the surface on reckoning with the opiod crisis, and what it has done to our country. Art, even informatjonal art like documentaties, can help us do that, if they are organized and objectively preaented in ways that help us and inform us. I have said about other films that they left me thinking long after the credits rolled, and this is one of them, too.
It's hard to really critique the elements here, as it's a standard documentary, nothing groundbreaking in terms of construction or presentation, but it's well done and absolutely worth watching!
It's hard to really critique the elements here, as it's a standard documentary, nothing groundbreaking in terms of construction or presentation, but it's well done and absolutely worth watching!
This documentary is full of examples of ordinary folks who have been addicted themselves or lost dear ones who were addicted and now use that traumatic experience to help others who arent being helped by the system.
One example in particular was quite mindboggling: an alcoholic who had overdosed several times was refused at the emergency department of the hospital. The man was close to dying, but due to regulations and lack of proper treatment the dying man was put back out on the streets.
This documentary goes to show that many addicts can be helped with simple, cheap care that will prevent them from getting into more harm.
An endearing plea for more care for the addicted. America still shines and these ordinary American citizens make it happen.
An inspiring tale that the most basic care for the addicted can bring about positive change in people's personal lives. It wont change the system, but it will change the hearts and minds of people.
One example in particular was quite mindboggling: an alcoholic who had overdosed several times was refused at the emergency department of the hospital. The man was close to dying, but due to regulations and lack of proper treatment the dying man was put back out on the streets.
This documentary goes to show that many addicts can be helped with simple, cheap care that will prevent them from getting into more harm.
An endearing plea for more care for the addicted. America still shines and these ordinary American citizens make it happen.
An inspiring tale that the most basic care for the addicted can bring about positive change in people's personal lives. It wont change the system, but it will change the hearts and minds of people.