Wyrm (2019) follows an awkward young teen who must complete a school requirement in which students wear electronic collars that detach only upon engaging in their first kiss. Overall, this film is unique and fun to watch. It's fairly entertaining and has some strong performances but I was still left expecting something more.
Something this film does really well is the cinematography, the movie is full of bright and eye-catching colour palettes and interesting camerawork. The framing is also well done and makes every shot fun to look at. Additionally in terms of visuals, I found the editing to be a bit too chaotic at times.
Unfortunately, the sound design is painfully average with very little notable moments. The score itself is definitely fitting to the tone of the film, but is extremely forgettable. The soundtrack is fun though at least!
The characters are well written and the actors mainly give good performances. Each of the characters have their own individual quirks and the actors really bring them to life, they're written in a way similar to those in the likes of Yorgos Lanthimos and Wes Anderson, with unnatural conversations which make for an intriguing watch. Also, the comedy is strange, but sometimes hits well.
Lastly, the film has steady pacing, but unfortunately ends up dragging quite a lot as some scenes go on for way too long. This is a shame as the narrative is very interesting and I respect the artistic flare the filmmakers bring to the movie.