The entire thing is either "Sex with a ________" (fill in the blank with whatever immature, idiotic thing you can think of), or penis, feces, and fart jokes. That about sums up the entire thing. I couldn't even watch it. In fact, I don't even think I like Family Guy anymore. Seth is just a sick, retarded individual. I actually feel sorry for him now. I really thought it might be funny, but it just isn't. I've laughed at some of the jokes in Family Guy, but it's now just so obvious that Seth just sits around thinking up very childish and crude things pretty much constantly. It's amazing that he's even capable of doing anything else. I'd rate this way below pathetic, if it were possible. I really tried to watch it, but it's so far beneath me, it was just impossible. If you think a complete lack of decency and dignity is always funny, then you'll love this. To anyone who has half a brain, I'd advise you not to waste your time on this one. You've been warned.