They story follows a group of four friends who torment an elderly woman because they suspected she's a witch. After her unexpected death, they're invited to her home and are forced to call a phone that's installed in her casket.
This movie manages to keep me glued to my seat half way through, The story has an interesting set-up and the conflict isn't that bad. The characters are introduced well even tho they aren't much developed. The scene where Tobin Bell's character explain to them what to do and how to do it, is handled very well, when he says "let's play a game" it felt like Saw all over again. But the film loses its status of excellence when the whole "calling" thing started. It resorts to typical horror elements like jump scares and fiddling with the character's mind, and the ending fails to make an impact. However, the film's cinematography is great with fantastic camera work and lighting that adds to the ominous feel in conjunction with
Samuel Joseph's score with its piano and synths that add to the creepier moments. The costumes and hairstyle are fitting to the time period. The performances are good with the best coming from Lin Shaye and Tobin Bell, the actors that played the four main characters are decent as well.