Tue, May 23, 2023
"An executioner looks through the eyes of all those who judge." (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Sun, Sep 26, 2021
"Everything I see has become invisible like water in water." (William Shakespeare)
Sun, Oct 10, 2021
"No crime is forgotten as long as the conscience remembers." (Stefan Zweig)
Sun, Oct 17, 2021
"The essence of truth is invisible to the eye." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Sun, Oct 31, 2021
"When the water rises, the fish eat the ants; when the water recedes, the ants eat the fish. The 'flow of water' decides who will eat whom." (Plato)
Sun, Nov 28, 2021
"If a person does not have the courage to confront himself, he will continue to play with the mistakes of others." (Oscar Wilde)
Sun, Dec 19, 2021
"It is easy to kill a person, but the blood also spreads to the soul. Killing a person bleeds the soul." (Lev Tolstoy)
Sun, Jan 9, 2022
"If you fall, I'll pick you up again. If I can't, I'll lie down next to you." (Julio Cortázar)
Sun, Jan 30, 2022
"Just when you think you have the right answers, the questions change." (Paulo Coelho)
Sun, Feb 13, 2022
"A bird sitting on a tree is not afraid of the branch breaking. Its trust is not in the tree, but in its own wings." (Henrik Ibsen)
Sun, Feb 20, 2022
"Sheep spend their lives afraid of the wolf. However, in the end, it is the shepherd who eats it." (Thomas Hobbes)
Sun, Feb 27, 2022
"Sometimes life is like you were patient for a winter and the hail hit you just when it was about to bloom." (José Mauro de Vasconcelos)
Sun, Mar 13, 2022
"So many lies were told on earth; in words, in writing, in pictures or by remaining silent." (Yusuf Atilgan)
Sun, Mar 20, 2022
"Even where there is the most beautiful view, insects eat each other under the trees and leaves." (Francis Bacon)
Sun, Mar 27, 2022
"My breath, my mind, my dear, my soul has opened. I loved my father the most in my life!" (Can Yücel)
Sun, Apr 3, 2022
"Daggers are hidden in people's smiles. Moreover, those with the tightest blood ties can be the bloodiest..." (William Shakespeare)
Sun, Apr 17, 2022
"How can I hold my soul and not touch yours? How can I pass it over to other things?" (Rainer Maria Rilke)
Sun, May 8, 2022
"Three things tire people out the most: forgiving, keeping silent when it hurts inside, and dreaming even though you know it won't happen." (Chuck Palahniuk)
Sun, May 22, 2022
"Some doors seem closed to us because we are behind them, not in front of them." (Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar)