Vince Vaughn credited as playing...
- Bob: Here's the best case scenario: he's a lonely old man, he wants to waltz, he wants to listen to some of the old songs from his childhood. Worst case scenario: you're getting fucked in the ass.
- Bob: You know what, pal? If being overly aggressive and a little bit snippy was a crime, I'd be making a citizen's arrest right now.
- Manfred: Why don't you just shut your cocksucker there, dickweed?
- Bob: What the fuck is he doing here?
- Evan: It's ok he saved us!
- Franklin: Ya he came in here jackin' dicks left and right.
- Bob: Singing was their hobby. Closing ass was their job.
- Bob: [about his massage chair] That is the best 2300 bucks I ever spent. I got it at a place called It's like Toys-R-Us for your ass and back.
- Bob: When are you gonna take the plunge and knock a few out?
- Evan: Well, it's not that simple.
- Bob: Well, it's about as simple as putting your dick in a vagina. You know what I mean? Make it happen.