11 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 90ColliderJason GorberColliderJason GorberDancing between the ruminative and the revelatory, it never succumbs to being maudlin or cloying. The Life of Chuck is a modern fable told with the deftness of a fairy tale, with the sheer exuberance of a musical while exuding the same sense of wonder one gets staring up at the heavens.
- 90TheWrapChase HutchinsonTheWrapChase HutchinsonIt’s not only his best film yet, but it’s the work he’s been building up to over his entire career.
- 77The Daily BeastNick SchagerThe Daily BeastNick SchagerA film that’s as sweet as it is scary, and whose frights are the sort that come from all-too-relatable fears about being alone, being apart, and being unable to hold onto the people and memories that matter most.
- 75The PlaylistAnkit JhunjhunwalaThe PlaylistAnkit JhunjhunwalaThere is definitely some extraneous storytelling muddle in The Life Of Chuck, but once you get past the opening act, there are glories to be had – in the form of a terrific childhood coming-of-age tale anchored by a star-making turn by Pajak and exceptional dancing by Pajak and Hiddleston.
- 67IndieWireKatie RifeIndieWireKatie RifeAs a filmmaker, Flanagan deals in raw, go-for-broke emotion; it’s just that this time around, he’s using that passion to affirm the audience, not disturb them.
- 60The Hollywood ReporterMichael RechtshaffenThe Hollywood ReporterMichael RechtshaffenLacking in tonal connective tissue, The Life of Chuck may still leave in its wake the desired upbeat, life-hugging effect, but it ultimately proves to be an ephemeral one — as transitory as the apparitions who usually haunt Flanagan’s more potent ghost stories.
- 60VarietySiddhant AdlakhaVarietySiddhant AdlakhaAny romantic notions the film might have are swiftly undone when it starts to explain the disappointing method behind its sleight of hand — until this explanation becomes the magic trick itself.
- 50IGNA.A. DowdIGNA.A. DowdYou can admire the ambition of The Life of Chuck while still wondering if such a lightly philosophical story needed to make the leap to the screen – or if turning all of its prose into Nick Offerman voice-over was the best move. It’s less an adaptation, ultimately, than a glorified book on tape from a talented King superfan.
- 42The Film StageC.J. PrinceThe Film StageC.J. PrinceAll technical prowess, from Flanagan to his strong ensemble cast, can only go so far when it’s in service of such shallow, offensive escapism. This is a childish take on a universal experience and everyone, from the people involved in the production to the viewers, deserve better.
- 38New York PostJohnny OleksinskiNew York PostJohnny OleksinskiIn The Life of Chuck, the pieces come together much too obviously. And the takeaways — that a person is the product of experience, and don’t judge a book by its cover — are well-tread to the point of total flatness.