54 reviews
I wish I could've seen what this show would've been like had the pandemic not thrown a wrench into filming. It suffers as a result of filming restrictions as contestants are filmed at home which gives it a YouTube-y vibe. The show itself is like a mash up of other shows. History's Forged in Fire is a clear inspiration here as the format is similar (build something, eliminate, build something, run it through several tests, choose a winner). I think the problem with having builders make "x" is that it isn't really highlighting their individual capabilities, they all have vastly different backgrounds. Unlike Forged in Fire contestants who are all blacksmiths, these contestants are more like prop builders, furniture builders, blacksmiths; it's quite varied and I think that's why the results are so mixed and underwhelming. They either need challenges that work to everyone's strengths or they need to cast contestants that are more similar in experience. I'm not saying this in defense of "fairness" I'm saying it because it makes for better television. In this case we had a guy who didn't know how to build a fire extinguisher, and two other guys who made suped up flame throwing leaf blowers that only just accomplished what they were intended for. It sounds good on paper but in reality it wasn't very interesting at all.
They try to shoehorn in a lot of Home Improvement references, more power, grunting etc. They even have a Heidi, I kid you not. It's nice to have a nod but at the end of the day these are real people, not characters from a tv show and I'd rather see them be themselves. I love Richard Karn, he has a natural affinity for hosting and I sincerely hope he has several more hosting opportunities in the future. He's fun to watch. I'd love to see him on HGTV instead of the garbage hosts they've had in the last ten years. He's a warm hearted, genuine guy and basically carries this show. Allen seems uncomfortable in his role here, he looks tired. I think they even splice in shots of him smiling and laughing when he actually isn't in real time because he looks bored when interacting with contestants. While Karn's jokes seem authentic, a lot of what Tim says feels scripted. The chemistry isn't quite right.
I'm hopeful that the show might improve the second time around, but to be honest, I think I would've preferred to see Tim and Richard building things themselves and teaching people how to build things for their homes, like hacks to make life easier in post pandemic life, instead of having another maker showdown series.
They try to shoehorn in a lot of Home Improvement references, more power, grunting etc. They even have a Heidi, I kid you not. It's nice to have a nod but at the end of the day these are real people, not characters from a tv show and I'd rather see them be themselves. I love Richard Karn, he has a natural affinity for hosting and I sincerely hope he has several more hosting opportunities in the future. He's fun to watch. I'd love to see him on HGTV instead of the garbage hosts they've had in the last ten years. He's a warm hearted, genuine guy and basically carries this show. Allen seems uncomfortable in his role here, he looks tired. I think they even splice in shots of him smiling and laughing when he actually isn't in real time because he looks bored when interacting with contestants. While Karn's jokes seem authentic, a lot of what Tim says feels scripted. The chemistry isn't quite right.
I'm hopeful that the show might improve the second time around, but to be honest, I think I would've preferred to see Tim and Richard building things themselves and teaching people how to build things for their homes, like hacks to make life easier in post pandemic life, instead of having another maker showdown series.
Love to see these guys back together again with an awesome show! Only problem I have is the dumbass "April's secret fix" the contestants are already being tested with the build, the "secret" rubbish is nothing but pointless cos the contestants are hand picked to be good and none of them have been tripped up by this dumb childish little "test" if this (the only) problem with the show was removed it would be perfect
- darthbraindrain
- Mar 4, 2021
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I think what hurts the show most of all is the pandemic. Perhaps if it were filmed during normal circumstances it would be a little better.
Tim is far more over the top than I thought he'd be, constantly interrupting Richard. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
We'll see if it gets any better.
Tim is far more over the top than I thought he'd be, constantly interrupting Richard. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
We'll see if it gets any better.
- joshuaster-768-843210
- Mar 3, 2021
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I have been a huge fan of Tim Allen ever since "Home Improvement". Perhaps my expectations were too high, but I was very disappointed with this new show. It sounded like a very interesting concept, and I still believe it could work. But the banter between Tim and Richard was horrible. It sound forced, the jokes were lame, and the timing seemed off. And product placement is one thing, but a whole scene about the sponsor's pickup was just excessive.
- FrozenInTheSeventies
- Feb 26, 2021
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Like the builds featured on the show, some extra polish and finishing touches are needed. The premise is solid and the best part is watching what the contestants can take from their mind's eye and put into action.
I think one of the difficulties for the show is that it is done remotely. That can't be easy for social interaction between the contestants the hosts, which, if improved, would be beneficial for the show. The banter with Tim, Richard and April is good. More April would be nice. She has talent and I'm sure has more than her simple hacks they show. Maybe show how she would fix the purposely sent problem to the builders in the second round? Seeing her fix would be cool.
One annoyance I have is the obvious product placement with Google and iFixIt. Google has been used for verbal internet searches, setting a timer, and simple math. Wow, so amazing... not. I'm sure the small tools/bits from the iFixIt kits are useful but viewers don't see that shown explicitly.
- virus-964-465645
- Mar 18, 2021
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Tim, Rich, especially Tim - they add *nothing* to the creations being made, other than not-funny and sometimes rude comments to the guest creators and each other. To make it even worse, the cameras are on Tim and Rich more than 75% of each episode, not the work being done.
The focus should be on the "tinkerers" and their builds. Tim and Rich should be minimum audio, only.
This is a great concept. Tinkerers are so interesting to watch create, but this series needs a major overhaul and rebooting before I'll watch again.
The focus should be on the "tinkerers" and their builds. Tim and Rich should be minimum audio, only.
This is a great concept. Tinkerers are so interesting to watch create, but this series needs a major overhaul and rebooting before I'll watch again.
I am 42 years old so Home Improvement is one show I always watched and loved as a teenager. Tim and Richard are still pretty good in this. Solid banter. Most of the makers (contestants) are pretty talented and watchable. As far as April Wilkerson, I actually watched a handful of her YouTube videos 2-4 years ago and found her somewhat talented and interesting. On this show she adds nothing. Her scenes are all completely scripted. Almost cringeworthy actually. I just don't buy for a second that she knows many if any of the "hacks" she does.
- deepee-28069
- May 4, 2021
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Maybe we had high expectations because of the cast and the concept. However, the humor felt forced and jokes fell flat. Possibly everything was a bit too scripted. Possibly it didn't work because of the Zoom format (necessary I know). It all seemed more suited to a 15 minute YouTube video. Makes me sad, hopefully they'll fix what didn't work. I'd love to see this succeed.
- eunique-233-530163
- Feb 24, 2021
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Was ok. Richard was way more friendly and enjoyable to watch. Tim Allen seemed to have a attitude during last nights episode.
The show itself was a good concept. Was fun to see them build their stuff & show off their talents.
Would watch it again.
- carolhardman-07330
- Feb 23, 2021
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- kaitlynleah-07839
- Aug 4, 2021
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While trying to revive the chemistry of "Tool Time" from Home Improvement, let's keep in mind those "conversations" were scripted. Here, it's more the real personality of the guys and their new expert. Richard is kind, Tim's trying too hard to be snarky Tim Taylor again.
I don't care for the remote concept...guys working in their own shops. It might be the nature of utilizing the creativity of each builder, but I personally would prefer the group competing face-to-face for at least the first task as done on the show this one is copying: Forged in Fire.
Judging is widely subjective which allows for WAY too much leeway in picking a winner. It's just the first episode so maybe they can tweak it along the way...but as is, I don't see it lasting.
I don't care for the remote concept...guys working in their own shops. It might be the nature of utilizing the creativity of each builder, but I personally would prefer the group competing face-to-face for at least the first task as done on the show this one is copying: Forged in Fire.
Judging is widely subjective which allows for WAY too much leeway in picking a winner. It's just the first episode so maybe they can tweak it along the way...but as is, I don't see it lasting.
Hosts Tim Allen, Richard Karn, and their own internal disturber April Wilkerson , welcome their audience each week to watch how they pit three (3) inventors, mechanics, welders, hobbyists, and down right wack-a-doodles compete in building some very unique contraptions that no one but Tim Allen and Richard Karn could ever think of, let alone be responsible for testing these contraptions to see who wins their weekly grand prize of $5,000 each week.
In their very first episode the hosts find three unlikely guinea pigs to test their skills in first building a projectile fire extinguisher that must be able to put out a candle's flame from ten (10) feet away. the contestants have a defined timeline of five (5) days to build their contraption and then we get to see whose device/contraption worked the best. The one contestant does the worst is eliminated and then the two surviving creators are pitted against each other to commence their next assembly.
In this first episode Tim and Richard have assigned the two remaining contestants to build a leaf blower turned into a flame thrower that must be able to melt a block of ice attached to a chain in record time. These two contestants are provided a shipment of objects, a motor, and some other apparatus to help build their unique "leaf blower turned into a flame thrower" or they can choose not to use some of the shipped container and use what's available in their own workshops. Again, they are given five (5) days to complete their task, but for this the final event after the five (5) days have elapsed, the contestants are required to ship their creations back to Tim and Richard and this is where the fun REALLY begins. Oh and by the way, when the two contestants receive their packages from Tim and Richard ,April tells us that she has provided another challenge via sabotage for these two contestants that will show us if they can repair their contraptions before they can actually complete the contraptions.
We then get to witness how brave (or stupid) Tim and Richard are just like when we used to watch them test their own contraptions/creations on their previous TV comedy show (1991-1999) Home Improvement,
This show is a blast no pun intended. Mrs. Shullivan also was captured by this shows "what's next?" approach so I am giving it a much deserved 9 out of 10 IMDB rating.
In their very first episode the hosts find three unlikely guinea pigs to test their skills in first building a projectile fire extinguisher that must be able to put out a candle's flame from ten (10) feet away. the contestants have a defined timeline of five (5) days to build their contraption and then we get to see whose device/contraption worked the best. The one contestant does the worst is eliminated and then the two surviving creators are pitted against each other to commence their next assembly.
In this first episode Tim and Richard have assigned the two remaining contestants to build a leaf blower turned into a flame thrower that must be able to melt a block of ice attached to a chain in record time. These two contestants are provided a shipment of objects, a motor, and some other apparatus to help build their unique "leaf blower turned into a flame thrower" or they can choose not to use some of the shipped container and use what's available in their own workshops. Again, they are given five (5) days to complete their task, but for this the final event after the five (5) days have elapsed, the contestants are required to ship their creations back to Tim and Richard and this is where the fun REALLY begins. Oh and by the way, when the two contestants receive their packages from Tim and Richard ,April tells us that she has provided another challenge via sabotage for these two contestants that will show us if they can repair their contraptions before they can actually complete the contraptions.
We then get to witness how brave (or stupid) Tim and Richard are just like when we used to watch them test their own contraptions/creations on their previous TV comedy show (1991-1999) Home Improvement,
This show is a blast no pun intended. Mrs. Shullivan also was captured by this shows "what's next?" approach so I am giving it a much deserved 9 out of 10 IMDB rating.
- Ed-Shullivan
- Feb 25, 2021
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Think Forged in Fire/Home Improvement mashup without any of the fun or interesting bits from either show. The jokes are bad, the banter is forced and the competitions are boring.
- kittybengle
- Mar 2, 2021
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I was a great fan of Tim Allen, Richard Karn, and Home Improvement. I was a fan of Tim Allen when he was a stand-up comic, and in movies like Big Trouble. This series is atrocious. Allen is argumentative and senile all the time, his jokes fail consistently. He has no intelligence to add. His sole "role" appears to be to criticize Karn ... this isn't Home Improvement (where there was some variety), or to make stupid comments. He could at least act professionally, add some technical intelligence, which, apparently, he cannot do. The days of abusing Al for fun are over. What is wrong with Allen ? Karn is intelligent and adds to the show. How long will Karn take the abuse ?
The show, itself, lacks direction, technical details, judging requirements; it is a joke. The judging is pitiful.
What exactly does April Wilkerson do ? She appears to only sabotage the equipment before having it sent out. Is this an intentional minimalistic inclusion of women that have no important role, only to show how ignorant they are ?
Season 1, Episode 6:
Julia Montgomery ... She immediately starts off on a diatribe how men say that women can't weld/build ... about how that is all BS. Then she fails the first test, because she didn't know anything about electricity. Who set that up ? Must have been intentional.
April "sabotages" the equipment by bending the fins on a motor. Are you kidding ? Bending the fins ? In a previous episode it was messing with the carburetor float, now we just have bent fins ? Wow, what sort of genius would it take to bend the fins back ? Oh, yes, there were two of them, bent in opposite directions ... very difficult.
Allen mentions the term "skeet shooting machine" ... it is called a trap machine, dumbass. Who wrote the scripts ?
As a fan of Allen, Karn, and Home Improvement, the series is appalling.
The show, itself, lacks direction, technical details, judging requirements; it is a joke. The judging is pitiful.
What exactly does April Wilkerson do ? She appears to only sabotage the equipment before having it sent out. Is this an intentional minimalistic inclusion of women that have no important role, only to show how ignorant they are ?
Season 1, Episode 6:
Julia Montgomery ... She immediately starts off on a diatribe how men say that women can't weld/build ... about how that is all BS. Then she fails the first test, because she didn't know anything about electricity. Who set that up ? Must have been intentional.
April "sabotages" the equipment by bending the fins on a motor. Are you kidding ? Bending the fins ? In a previous episode it was messing with the carburetor float, now we just have bent fins ? Wow, what sort of genius would it take to bend the fins back ? Oh, yes, there were two of them, bent in opposite directions ... very difficult.
Allen mentions the term "skeet shooting machine" ... it is called a trap machine, dumbass. Who wrote the scripts ?
As a fan of Allen, Karn, and Home Improvement, the series is appalling.
- chadwick-86955
- Jun 30, 2022
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This a fun show, with great chemistry of course, between Allen and Karn. The inventions have been impressive, and the show has been interesting. Very cool show guys!
- timothyfair-60869
- Mar 22, 2021
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I liked the whole idea of the show and enjoyed the first few episodes til I started to pay more attention. All the participants are wearing the same clothes on every build day, 5 days wearing the same clothes.... All the ads for google, ram and tools are annoying too.
- huitzis-30917
- Jun 21, 2022
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I have to start by saying I was a producer on 2 episodes of Assembly Required. It's not often that I watch the content which I produce. In this case, I couldn't wait to see the show. Sean T French was one of my makers. To see this episode lead off the series was thrilling to say the least. To me, the cast and crew of this show has been nothing short of phenomenal. These are the projects I find to be a true joy to be involved with. At times in the television and film business, our careers reach a point of near 'stalemate'. It's shows like these which breed new life into a tired career. I cannot thank Justin Healey enough for allowing me to be a part of this show, I truly enjoyed my experience. Thank you for the opportunity to be involved with such a fun production! Cheers!!
- Michael-Gianni
- Feb 23, 2021
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What happened to Tim Allen? I'm a big fan, and only on episode 1, but Tim seems drunk or sedated on pain meds. He's slow, his eyes are bloodshot, and his eyes are glassed over and don't blink in sync. I had to check IMDB to see if he's had any recent medical issues such as a stroke.
The content of the show just seems to drag on, and the banter between Tim and Karn is painful to watch. I'm not sure of their purpose, other than to just give a play-by-play analysis. Also don't like the format, as mentioned, the play-by-play and the remote aspect of the show. Maybe if Tim and Karn had more interaction and hands-on.
The content of the show just seems to drag on, and the banter between Tim and Karn is painful to watch. I'm not sure of their purpose, other than to just give a play-by-play analysis. Also don't like the format, as mentioned, the play-by-play and the remote aspect of the show. Maybe if Tim and Karn had more interaction and hands-on.
- dbuckshnis
- Mar 10, 2021
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I love Tim Allen's sitcoms but this show has me wondering if Allen is drunk or sedated. His one liners miss the mark. Something is off. Without Richard Karn I'm sure the show would have already hit the trash bin.
I have only watched 2 episodes. Is there any hope?
- rkconst-sk
- Mar 18, 2021
- Permalink
I decided to try this...and immediately regretted it. Assaulted my intelligence...
"U-N-F-U-N-N-Y". Period.
"U-N-F-U-N-N-Y". Period.
When I saw that Tim Allen and Richard Karn were the hosts of this show I was brought back to the happy moments when I was a kid watching Home Improvement with my brother. The show is really fun and interesting to watch if you're a fan of the competition type shows and also have an interesting in engineering and DIY. The writing is also really great, I laughed at almost everything that came out of their mouths 😂 9/10 Would recommend to a friend.
- alexanderulanch
- Feb 24, 2021
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This program has several problems.
The builds are more talk than build and do not look great.
All a bit silly.
The program is also heavily sponsored by google who like to demo their google home speaker in the program....just in the wrong way. They keep saying "hey google" in the program and not muting it out. The result is that everyone who watches the program that already own a google speaker has their speaker triggered and listening to the command. ive contacted the production company, they will look into it. t
Third episode, still happening, im going to stop watching this program. too bad.
- spawnreaper
- Mar 11, 2021
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A good reunion show that has nothing to do with Home Improvement. It was more of a reality, game show, edutainment, fixer up show.
It's done very well. Furthermore, it's not a hyperactive show, so don't expect The Masked Dancer type of over-dramatics and don't expect Tim the Tool Man Taylor family man or Family Feud questions.
It's just 2 masculine guys with a bunch of other guys and umm... Some girl for diversity because diversity matters because if you don't see it on TV then you're nothing.
Anyways... A good show and worth a watch for people who like to fix things and have a creative mind.
It's done very well. Furthermore, it's not a hyperactive show, so don't expect The Masked Dancer type of over-dramatics and don't expect Tim the Tool Man Taylor family man or Family Feud questions.
It's just 2 masculine guys with a bunch of other guys and umm... Some girl for diversity because diversity matters because if you don't see it on TV then you're nothing.
Anyways... A good show and worth a watch for people who like to fix things and have a creative mind.
- ThunderKing6
- May 6, 2022
- Permalink
This show is just... terrible.
Shows like Mythbusters have host that are actual smart people. This show is just two uneducated dudes cracking unfunny jokes about stuff they know nothing about. It's not funny, and its not intelligent. It failed at everything it was supposed to be.
Shows like Mythbusters have host that are actual smart people. This show is just two uneducated dudes cracking unfunny jokes about stuff they know nothing about. It's not funny, and its not intelligent. It failed at everything it was supposed to be.