I just watched this movie on Film4's British connection season and was surprised at how little recognition this film has received. The message board is bare, only 12 votes and no comments have been made so far, so I thought I'd make a deserved contribution.
I'll be honest: I was expecting something fairly mediocre and cheap-looking but I was very pleasantly surprised. It didn't look cheap at all with great cinematography of the Suffolk countryside and the general colour and tone of the film was perfect and felt really authentic.
Both actors do very well - especially considering the whole cast consists of just them. Phil Campbell's performance was occasionally quite wooden and unnecessarily clichéd as the 'mysterious dark stranger' character; but "occasionally" is a key word there, as he - with MacQueen - really shines toward the end. I was impressed with Alex MacQueen, especially as I've only ever seen him in very minor roles in various sitcoms such as "The Inbetweeners", but his character is complex and brilliantly pulled off.
The film starts off well and captivatingly with great dialogue in the interaction between the two leads, with mystery and suspense surrounding the two as 'Roy Tunt' is clearly intimidated somewhat by Dave. Unfortunately, the film then becomes rather slow until the last half an hour or so - and the clips of the crows feasting on flesh become tedious after a while. But "The Hide" climaxes with a surprising twist and a great dénouement revealing why both characters find themselves in this remote mudflat. The very final scene is a particular favourite of mine, ending on a sharply shocking note.
Overall, it's a decent little film, which is slow in parts but ultimately rewarding. A solid debut from Marek Losey.