The only thing that I can say that was positive is that it is important to change laws to be safe...but that goes for EVERYTHING. About this video... FIRST, it is very important that ALL PEOPLE discover that some hair care, skin care, and nail care ingredients are toxic! And NOT just because a certain racial group used a certain product out of CHOICE. There was no mention of being tied down. I too have used those products...ALWAYS OUT OF CHOICE. I have wavy hair, got a perm, hated it, then used relaxer to fix it again. SECOND, I am so sick and tired of the false narrative that focuses on hatred of one group because of skin color. The same woman who whined about race also straightened her hair. Hypocrisy! HBO should be ashamed! If one group is targeted then ALL are targeted, because what goes around comes around. FINALLY, as I recall from the documentary, Tippi Hedren was trying to help new residents of the USA make a living, not anything bad, but ALL GOOD! No one at that time knew about or thought about toxicity of much... It's good that we're changing and wanting to be a healthier ONE PEOPLE!