Renner is a big departure for Frankie Muniz, at least from his previous work I am familiar with. I was extremely impressed with his acting skills in this sci-fi drama/thriller. And Violett Beane is terrific as the beautiful neighbor/possible love interest. That relationship builds slowly and invokes many questions: Is she real? Is she attainable? Is she honest? Is she here to help Renner or ...? As the film progresses, some of these questions get answered while others remain a little unclear. As for Renner, we learn why he is the way he is. And we wonder if he will be able to escape his past. The final third of the film takes a turn and goes 'all in' while doing so, which may sit better with some viewers than for others. For me, I thought the acting, directing and editing were all on point and surprisingly good, especially for an indy film. I enjoyed the story and the film very much.
P. S. Stay for the credits so you won't miss the final scene.