Shreyas and Ritesh are two friends who enjoyed a lot during their bachelor days but currently its not the same as after marriage.Shreya's wife Kishori and Ritesh's pregnant wife Aditi are at their mother place to celebrate new year while they both decide to enjoy 31st night but somehow plans of their wives change on 30th December.Shreyas and Ritesh then decide to meet and party by faking each others accident to their respective wives Kishori and Aditi happen to meet on 31st night and come to know about their plans.Shreyas and Ritesh are exposed and have argument with their wives and decide to file for divorce advocate Todjolkar advises the couple to stay away for two months and think before making their decision.Todjolkar also asks parents of all for individual to meet him and tells them to not allow their children to live in the house so that they can realize the meaning of relationships.