4 reviews
I love books & absolutely love this show!!!. Sara Cox is a fitting presenter total absorbed and taken in as the guests discuss and review their BYOB's and the featured books. All guests so far have been enthusiastic and bring to life the books in discussion. Highly recommend the show to any book lover😍
- lavenderteebrown
- May 30, 2021
- Permalink
In the UK there is a spectrum of book clubs/reviews on TV spanning form the deeply intellectual to the Judy & Richard "beach reads".
This show is somewhere in between: not because it is middle of the road, but because it spans the extremes and all the in betweeners. It has guests from various cultures, ages & backgrounds, who are invited to bring a book they love, read a 'book club' selection (which is pre shared with the audience) and answer some quirky questions which are devices to introduce different aspects of guests reading. All brilliantly and lightly led by its excellent host Sarah Cox who is charismatic & witty whilst avoiding being shallow
- ceri-edwards2
- Nov 20, 2020
- Permalink
A pleasant enough lightweight book discussion show for lockdown with some nice guests along the run - most are built around what amounts to a "press kit" style promo film for a random book and you've got to wonder how it dodges the strict rules against advertising on the BBC. The only real issue is the presenter Sara Cox whose manically forced banter ends up awkwardly lurching into Alan Partridge waters several times an episode. Not vital television but during lockdown it was worth a gander if just to hear the warm burblings of Front, Norton, Osman, Edmonson, Bailey etc but the second series felt so deeply superfluous it just didn't seem worth pursuing at all.
- owen-watts
- Nov 19, 2020
- Permalink
I'm really into books so this seemed like the perfect show. It was okay at first, although admittedly I'd probably never read any of the books they advertise but I did enjoy hearing the reviews. However lately I've stopped watching as I find there's far too much joking around, everyone talking at once and just going off the point. I think this needs to remain a serious show that sticks to the point and doesn't trail off into going into the guests feelings and personal lives. Lately its become more like a silly daytime talkshow and some of the guests can be really self centered. They need to bring in better quality guests and for god sakes stick to the point.