Directed by Laura Fairrie and produced by the Academy Award®-winning Passion Pictures, along with AGC Studios, CNN Films, BBC Arts, and John Battsek, 'LADY BOSS: The Jackie Collins Story' ta... Read allDirected by Laura Fairrie and produced by the Academy Award®-winning Passion Pictures, along with AGC Studios, CNN Films, BBC Arts, and John Battsek, 'LADY BOSS: The Jackie Collins Story' takes viewers on an immersive journey through the trailblazing life of novelist Jackie Colli... Read allDirected by Laura Fairrie and produced by the Academy Award®-winning Passion Pictures, along with AGC Studios, CNN Films, BBC Arts, and John Battsek, 'LADY BOSS: The Jackie Collins Story' takes viewers on an immersive journey through the trailblazing life of novelist Jackie Collins. Spinning together fact and fiction, this feature documentary reveals the untold story ... Read all