I was under the impression that "The Seamstress" was some sort of slasher movie when I sat down to watch it. But it turned out to be more of a paranormal thriller with slasher elements. Not sure that it really lived up to what I had thought it to be.
I do enjoy horror movies, and that is why I sat down to watch "The Seamstress". Well, and also because Lance Henriksen was in it. Although I didn't know that he didn't have much of a lead role in this movie; which was a shame and a disappointment.
The story in "The Seamstress" is about a group of young people out at sea, when they get into trouble with their boat and become marooned on a small island. Warned against going inland, the youngsters do, of course, venture inland to explore the island. But a ghastly woman haunts the island, and soon starts to victimize and terrorize the marooned youngsters.
Right, well the story was adequate for a horror movie, although it didn't really offer anything new or innovating. There is essentially nothing here that hasn't already been seen or done in other horror movies.
The acting in "The Seamstress" was adequate, but I can't really claim to pick one performance out in particular as being overly memorable, if you don't count Lance Henriksen in here. It is always a pleasure to see Lance Henriksen in a movie, and his usual dark charm was here as well.
The effects in the movie were good enough, although not memorable. And the creature design was okay as well, but again, not really something you are likely to remember days after having seen the movie.
"The Seamstress" turned out to be a rather generic and mundane horror movie. I did finish it though, because I wanted to see if it got any better, and also to see if Lance Henriksen really didn't have a bigger role than what he ended up having.
All in all, five mediocre stars out of ten stars from me. "The Seamstress" is not an outstanding movie in any way. And once you have seen it, chances are slim to none that you will ever pick it up again at a later time to watch it a second time around.