Clancy Brown credited as playing...
Mr. Krabs • Security
- [Pearl sees Mr. Krabs posting a very tall sign listing all of the rules of the slumber party]
- Pearl: Dad?
- Mr. Krabs: Just putting up the house rules.
- Pearl: [reading rules] No dancing, no loud music after 7:30, no touching the root beer cellar?
- Mr. Krabs: And the most important one in all, no boys allowed!
- [turns on a huge neon-lit sign reading "NO BOYS ALLOWED"]
- Mr. Krabs: Isn't it glorious?
- [Pearl goes back in the house and locks the door, locking Mr. Krabs out]
- Mr. Krabs: Sweetie, you accidentally locked the door!
- Pearl: You're not coming back in this house until after my slumber party is over!
- Mr. Krabs: [gasps] This is mutiny!
- Pearl: What are you gonna do about it? Take away my allowance?
- [she throws the ketchup-covered crackers at him]
- Pearl: Here you go!
- [SpongeBob accidentally flooded Mr. Krabs' house with his personal supply of root beer]
- Mr. Krabs: [surveying the damage] Me knickknacks! Me root beer! Me pile of old newspapers! I was maybe gonna read that someday!
- [to Pearl]
- Mr. Krabs: I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!
- Pearl: [angrily] Trusted ME?
- [holds up SpongeBob]
- Pearl: Your employee destroyed this house! The only boy at the party!
- Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob?
- SpongeBob: [sheepishly] Well, Mr. Krabs, you know how boys are.
- Pearl: [to Mr. Krabs] It's your fault my party is ruined, and now all my friends have zombie shock syndrome!
- Girlfriend #8: [rocking back and forth] I'm too pretty to be a zombie!
- Pearl: We were fine with a nice simple slumber party. But now, it's gonna cost you!
- Mr. Krabs: Cost me what?
- Pearl: [sinister tone] Money...
- [as punishment for meddling with her slumber party, Pearl uses Mr. Krabs' money to throw a private party at Goo Lagoon; many guests are there except Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob]
- Pearl: [addressing the crowd] Everyone having a good time?
- [crowd cheers]
- Pearl: Well, you can all thank my dad for making this possible.
- [calls out to Mr. Krabs, who is very far away behind a velvet rope where a security guard watches him]
- Pearl: Thank you, daddy!
- Mr. Krabs: [calling back] You're welcome, sweetie! Oh, this is so expensive!
- Security Guard: You're not allowed any closer, sir.
- SpongeBob: [walking up] Mr. Krabs, I think I know what'll cheer you up.
- [he puts a drinking glass under his armpit and squirts some root beer into it]
- SpongeBob: A mug of ice cold root beer!
- Mr. Krabs: No, SpongeBob, that doesn't cheer me up at all!