It's impossible to provide a real synopsis of this animated short, it's an abstract art film, yet there is a cohesion and purpose to the montage of images that is only just out of reach. Like most of Breer's work, this is a mix of hand drawn animation, still photography and home movies, brought together to explore themes of; sexuality, technology and family, amongst many more. Perhaps mirroring the mix of images, the tone shifts seamlessly between hope and fatalism, narcissism and altruism. Ultimately there is an extraordinary amount going on in just a five minute runtime, which could withstand multiple viewings by a patient, inquisitive viewer. This is very much a throwback to the avant-garde, experimental film world of the 1960s, that probably seemed out-dated by 2003 when the film was released. Nonetheless, fans of experimental art film will be more than happy to spend five minutes on this one.