Margo Martindale credited as playing...
Mattie Fae Aiken
- Charlie Aiken: Mattie Fae, we're gonna get in the car and go home. And if you say one more mean thing to that boy I'm gonna kick your fat Irish ass into the highway.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: What the hell did you just say to me?
- Charlie Aiken: Kids, go outside, would you please? I don't understand this meanness. I look at you and your sister and the way you talk to people and I don't understand it. I can't understand why folks can't be respectful to one another. I don't think there's any excuse for it. My family didn't treat each other that way.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Oh, maybe cause your family didn't have...
- Charlie Aiken: You better not say anything about my family right now, I mean it! We just buried a man I loved very much. And whatever faults he may have had, he was a good, kind, decent man. And to hear you tearing your own son not even a day later dishonors Beverly's memory. We've been married 38 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything. But if you can't find a generous place in your heart for your own son, we're not gonna make it to 39!
- Mattie Fae Aiken: You come here and give your Aunt Mattie Fae some sugar! Look at you. You're so big. Look at your boobs. Last time I saw you, you looked like a little boy.
- Violet Weston: Isn't there the TV commercial where the lady says: "Where is the meat?"
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Where is the meat?
- Karen Weston: Where is the beef?
- Violet Weston: [annoyed] Where's the meat? Where's the meat? Where's the meat? Meat, meat, where is the meat?
- Mattie Fae Aiken: [Little Charles is playing a song to Ivy in the living room; the TV is on... Mattie Fae suddenly enters] Liberace! Better get yourself together. We have to get home and take care of those damn dogs... they've probably eaten the drapes by now.
- Charlie Aiken: [entering] I'm sure the house is fine.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: [to Charlie] Oh look, honey! Little Charles has got the TV on.
- [to Ivy as Little Charles starts stammering]
- Mattie Fae Aiken: This one watches so much television it's rotted his brain.
- Ivy Weston: I'm sure that's not true.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: [to Little Charles] What was it I caught you watching the other day?
- Charlie Aiken: Mattie Fae...
- Little Charles Aiken: [stammering] I... I don't remember.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: You do so remember! Some dumb talk show about people swapping wives.
- Little Charles Aiken: I don't remember.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: You don't remember. Too bad there's not a job where they pay you to sit around watching TV.
- Charlie Aiken: Come on, Mattie Fae.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: [laughing to Ivy about Little Charles] You know he got fired from a SHOE STORE?
- Mattie Fae Aiken: You have to be smart to be complicated.
- Charlie Aiken: Are you sayin' our boy ain't smart?
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Yes, that's what I'm sayin'.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: I don't think I've ever seen you read a book in my life.
- Charlie Aiken: That bother you?
- Mattie Fae Aiken: What's the last book you read?
- Charlie Aiken: Beverly was a teacher; teachers read books. I'm in the upholstery business.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Oh, I'm sweatin'. Why is is to dark in here? Are you sweatin'?
- Charlie Aiken: Hell, yes, I'm sweatin'! And it's ninety degrees in here.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Whoa! Feel my back.
- Charlie Aiken: I don't want to feel your back
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Sweat is just drippin' down my back.
- Charlie Aiken: I believe you.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Feel it.
- Charlie Aiken: No!
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Come on, put your hand here...
- Mattie Fae Aiken: I told Vi, "Take all those goddamn books he's so fond of and make a big pile in the front yard and have yourself a bonfire."
- Charlie Aiken: Well, you don't burn a man's books.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: You do, if the situation calls for it.
- Charlie Aiken: The man's books didn't do anything.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: I don't believe you. Watchin' a ball game, drinkin' beers. Do you have any sense of what's goin' on around you?
- Charlie Aiken: Am I supposed to sit here like a statue? I mean, you're drinkin' whiskey.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: I'm having a cocktail.
- Charlie Aiken: You're drinkin' - straight whiskey.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: Just - have a little class.
- Violet Weston: Women are beautiful - when they're young and not after. A man can still preserve their sex appeal into old age. And not those men you see with shorts and those little purses around their waists. But, some men can maintain cragginess and weary masculinity. Women just get old - and fat and wrinkly.
- Mattie Fae Aiken: I beg your pardon? I'm still - very sexy, thank you very much.
- Violet Weston: Yeah, you are about as sexy as a wet cardboard box, Mattie Fae. You and me, both.
- Violet Weston: Women aren't sexy when they're old. I can live with that. Can you live with that?
- Mattie Fae Aiken: What about Sophia Loren? What about Lena Horne? She stayed sexy till she was eighty.
- Violet Weston: The world is round. Get over it!