Amelia and Billy are Naval Aviators, yet their F-18s are both marked "Marines" and "VMFA-142" , the latter being the designation for a Marine Fighter/Attack Squadron.
Maddie's father was a Navy pilot but in the picture of him with his daughter he is kneeling in front of an Airforce F-16.
When Amelia meets her mom and sister aboard the carrier and while in uniform, her french braid is hanging down her back, not tucked up above her collar.
To board a carrier or any naval ship the person faces the ensign (US Flag) then continues up the gangplank reporting to the officer of the day requesting to come aboard. In the movie they just ran on board and nobody requested any ID.
Lieutenant Jenkins, a U.S. Navy aviator, mistakenly refers to a picture of a single-prop SDB Dauntless dive bomber as a "B-29". The B-29 was a four-prop bomber used by the US Army Air Force in the Pacific during World War II. A U.S. Navy pilot would know the difference between the two and would not have made a mistake like that.
During dinner with the Captain not only is he not wearing the correct rank, (2 gold bands on uniform jacket is a Lt and Captain wears 4 gold bands) he is also missing the Commanding Officers insignia, a gold star on uniform.
During the dinner on the ship, the Captain is shown in one take wearing Lieutenant stripes on his Dress Blue jacket, and shown a few seconds later wearing the correct Captain stripes.
During dinner in the Captain's stateroom overhead shots show it's nighttime but light is showing thru the portholes.
The star ornament that's hand written "1965 To Dorothy", that is found on the ship, is not the same one that is given to the old couple. The writing on the back is written differently.
Since Maddie's story made the front-page "Headlines", why does everyone start reading the article inside the newspaper. It's clearly on the "Front-page".
When Maddie was walking from her car to her mother's front door, she picked up a delivered newspaper that was in a clear tied plastic newspaper bag. When she went inside her mother's house, the bag was clearly untied.
In the aerial shots of the entire ship, it's obviously of recent construction, probably a Nimitz class. In close shots of people on the flight deck, the superstructure is clearly that of an Essex class carrier, the last of which began construction in 1944.
As mentioned before the carrier is Essex class. It has the number 10 on the island which stands for CV-10. That is the Yorktown. The Yorktown has an angled deck. The aerial shot shows a carrier with the number 10, but without an angled deck and with modern jet fighters. All carriers from the jet fighter age have angled decks. This makes that shot clearly edited (CGI). And when the women board the carrier, the aerial shot reveals the number 41 on the deck. That is CVB-41: Midway, now a museum in San Diego. Both ships were not operational when the movie was made/released in 2020.