- Ash Williams: Destroy it! It's called the Book of the Dead for a reason!
- Deadite Ellie: I will swallow your soul...
- [she feels Beth's stomach]
- Deadite Ellie: Two souls?
- Beth: [pleading] Please... El...
- Deadite Ellie: Ellie waits in Hell for you and your unborn bastard baby.
- Kassie: [staring through the peephole at her Deadite mother, staring back at her with a grotesque grin] You don't look so good, Mom.
- Ellie: Oh. Nothing a big old hug and kiss from you won't fix. Open up now, like a good girl.
- [Kassie slowly reaches over and places her hand on the deadbolt knob]
- Ellie: That's it. Come on, now.
- [in a low, demonic voice]
- Ellie: Do it for Mom and Dad.
- [slowly and reluctantly, Kassie twists the knob to the unlock position. The door flies open and Deadite Ellie attacks Kassie]