Alec Baldwin credited as playing...
Dennis Dupree
- Dennis Dupree: Paul! You're early!
- Paul Gill: Actually, I told Stacee the gig was last night, so technically we're a day late... don't tell him.
- Dennis Dupree: [after Dennis has accepted Drew's band as Arsenal's opening act] Okay. Call your band.
- Drew Boley: [yells to Bourbon Room employees] Guys! We're opening up for Arsenal!
- [Drew's band mates drop what they're doing inside the club, run on stage]
- Dennis Dupree: Doesn't anyone just want to work in the bar industry anymore?
- Drew Boley: Thank you! You won't regret this, we're gonna blow you away.
- Dennis Dupree: Oh, you're gonna blow me all right. Okay, three songs, no covers. I need you guys to be amazing tonight, so start drinking...
- Dennis Dupree: [looks at watch] NOW.
- Dennis Dupree: Shit! Our opener just dropped out.
- Lonny: Concrete Balls?
- Dennis Dupree: They're in rehab.
- Lonny: Both of them?
- Dennis Dupree: There's six of them!
- Lonny: Jesus, that band's got a lot of balls!
- Dennis Dupree: Betty Ford had a group rate.
- Lonny: Do you think they do therapy individually, or in pairs?
- Dennis Dupree: Knock it off!
- Dennis Dupree: Hey Stacee you made it!
- Stacee Jaxx: Hey Man...
- Dennis Dupree: Yeah, hey, man.
- Stacee Jaxx: [Points to his pet baboon] No, this... is Hey Man.
- Dennis Dupree: [after Stacee's concert] You told me this was a freebie.
- Paul Gill: Stacey Jaxx doesn't take a *dump* for free.