The trailer park boys began as just Ricky and Julian. originally, Julian was supposed to die in 5 days after talking to a phone psychic. he wanted to get those last 5 days on videotape. 10 years later, that camera crew still followed him around, all the way up to liquor day.
After spending 2 years in jail, Ricky, Julian and bubbles all come back to Sunnyvale and discover it is in ruins, and that Mr. lahey has opened up a new trailer park. the boys' plans; Julian wants to go legit by opening a car garage, Ricky wants to get his grade 12 and be the leader, and bubbles just wants his kitties back after lahey barricaded the kitty door on his shed. but soon all these plans are compromised, and like always, the boys plans always fall through.
I laughed at the few parts in the movie theatre, and it was certainly better than the big dirty (which was a major disappointment.) because it had what the trailer park boys are known for; pure comic genius. more of the boys, less of Lucy's boobs.
Also, i'd like to point out this is the last trailer park boys show we're gonna see. so after this, no more Ricky, Julian, and bubbles.
i recommend you wait to rent this one. wasting 10 bucks on a big screen and 10 more for drinks and popcorn doesn't feel worth it, but unless you're a hardcore fan like i am, then go see it while the theatres still have it.