Unlike the first film, this sequel features an original soundtrack as well as stock music.
Filming was due to begin in February 2021, but was postponed to April of the same year due to a third COVID-19 national lockdown in England. However, even in April, the crew were not allowed to do any filming indoors, so the producers replaced the intended filming week with another film: 'Poisoned Rebirth', which was intended to be shot later on in the year, while 'Blair Styx: The Village II' was postponed to August. It was then moved forward a few weeks to late July as announced on Isaac Lawrence's Instagram account and the official franchise Facebook page.
The film was shot in only three days.
Unlike the first film, visuals of Cerberus can be seen in the sacrifice flashback. The director and editor intentionally did not keep the shots on screen for very long since he felt it would be scarier if there was no clear image of Cerberus. From what little can be seen, it's possible to tell that Cerberus is a skeletal dog-like being with multiple heads similar to its depiction in Greek mythology. Anna also refers to the being as the 'gatekeeper of hell', which is also in-line with Greek mythology.
'Blair Styx: The Village II' establishes that the cult refer to possessed people as 'hounds'.