The series is extremely light on authentication. I'm not sure of Josh Gates' relationship with these guys, who are called relic hunters. The provenance of the items in the show is not explained. Some of the relics like coins could have been found by these guys, some of it could have been purchased from local markets or landowners, or were family heirlooms, but I imagine much of it is from the black market. Can you buy a Templar helmet and sword from Sotheby's? I personally have a real problem with rich people owning priceless pieces of history just because they have the money. I believe history belongs to us all, and relics should be in a museum, not in some guy's living room or garage. Edit - after watching a few more episodes, I am thankful that these guys have put in the time and money to track down these Templar relics that have apparently been scattered across the world. The program and the two owners of these artifacts could go a lot farther in the authentication and dating of the various relics. I am thankful that they are showing them to the world. Regardless of your views on private ownership, the series is a worthwhile watch.