Robo-Manus, usually a mid- to late-game boss in most of the games, actually serves as the final boss for this game. He is depicted as being considerably larger here than in previous installments; his size is such that he is never seen in his full form onscreen.
The Battletoads all have the same voice samples, with the one distinguishing feature being that the pitch is altered for each 'Toad (Pimple's voice samples are the lowest in pitch and Rash's are the highest). The only exception is that Pimple is the only one of the three to yell "Touchdown!" as he is the only character with a football-themed attack.
After Battletoads & Double Dragon (1993), the second game in the series to feature all three 'Toads as immediately selectable (as opposed to one or more of them being kidnapped), and the only one in which all three 'Toads can play simultaneously.
The final official Battletoads game to be released. Subsequent games were fan-made, with most of them borrowing sprites and animation from this game.