Michael Caine credited as playing...
- Alfred: I'll get this to Mr. Fox, but no more. I've sewn you up, I've set your bones, but I won't bury you. I've buried enough members of the Wayne family.
- Bruce Wayne: You'll leave me?
- Alfred: You see only one end to your journey. Leaving is all I have to make you understand, you're not Batman anymore. You have to find another way. You used to talk about finishing a life beyond that awful cape.
- Bruce Wayne: Rachel died believing that we would be together; that was my life beyond the cape. I can't just move on. She didn't, she couldn't.
- Alfred: What if she had? What if, before she died, she wrote a letter saying she chose Harvey Dent over you? And what if, to spare your pain, I burnt that letter?
- Bruce Wayne: How dare you use Rachel to try to stop me?
- Alfred: I am using the truth, Master Wayne. Maybe it's time we all stop trying to outsmart the truth and let it have its day. I'm sorry.
- Bruce Wayne: You're sorry? You expect to destroy my world and then think we're going to shake hands?
- Alfred: No... no, I know what this means.
- Bruce Wayne: What does it mean?
- Alfred: It means your hatred... and it also means losing someone that I have cared for since I first heard his cries echo through this house. But it might also mean saving your life. And that is more important.
- Bruce Wayne: Goodbye, Alfred.
- Alfred: [to Bruce] Remember when you left Gotham? Before all this, before Batman? You were gone seven years. Seven years I waited, hoping that you wouldn't come back. Every year, I took a holiday. I went to Florence, there's this cafe, on the banks of the Arno. Every fine evening, I'd sit there and order a Fernet Branca. I had this fantasy, that I would look across the tables and I'd see you there, with a wife and maybe a couple of kids. You wouldn't say anything to me, nor me to you. But we'd both know that you'd made it, that you were happy. I never wanted you to come back to Gotham. I always knew there was nothing here for you, except pain and tragedy. And I wanted something more for you than that. I still do.
- Alfred: [about Selina Kyle] You two should exchange notes over coffee.
- Bruce Wayne: So now you're trying to set me up with a jewel thief?
- Alfred: At this point, I'd set you up with a chimpanzee if it'd brought you back to the world!
- Bruce Wayne: There's nothing out there for me.
- Alfred: And that's the problem. You hung up your cape and your cowl, but you didn't move on, you never went to find a life, to find someone...
- Bruce Wayne: Alfred... I did find someone.
- Alfred: I know, and you lost her. But that's all part of living, sir. But you're not living. You're just waiting, hoping for things to go bad again.
- Bruce Wayne: If this man is everything that you say he is, then this city needs me.
- Alfred: This city needs Bruce Wayne, your resources, your knowledge. It doesn't need your body, or your life. That time has passed.
- Bruce Wayne: You're afraid that if I go back out there I'll fail.
- Alfred: No. I'm afraid that you want to.
- Alfred: If you're seriously considering going back out there, you should hear the rumors surrounding Bane.
- Bruce Wayne: I'm all ears.
- Alfred: There is a prison in a more ancient part of the world, a pit where men are thrown to suffer and die. But sometimes a man rises from the darkness. Sometimes the pit sends something back.
- Bruce Wayne: Bane.
- Alfred: Right. Born and raised in hell on earth.
- Bruce Wayne: Born in prison?
- Alfred: No one knows why or how he escaped, but they do know that once he did he was trained by Ra's Al Ghul, your mentor.
- Bruce Wayne: Bane was a member of The League of Shadows.
- Alfred: And then he was excommunicated. And any man who is too extreme for Ra's Al Ghul is not to be trifled with.
- [from trailer]
- Alfred: Don't worry, Master Wayne. It takes a little time to get back into the swing of things.
- [from trailer]
- Alfred: You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. I swore to them that I would protect you, and I haven't.
- [Bruce straps braces onto his leg, grimacing with pain]
- Alfred Pennyworth: Is it really painful?
- Bruce Wayne: Well, you're welcome to try it, Alfred.
- Alfred Pennyworth: Happy watching, thank you, sir.
- [watching video of Bane taking out the stock exchange security]
- Alfred: That is a man who fights with the power of belief.