" My Fuxxxxx Romance " is one of the more mature themed Global Playlist dramas and it explores a wide variety of human relationships. However, the short length of it didn't allow for those themes to be well explored and in depth.
The story kicks in with throwing the viewer straight into the action, making you feel like the guy who pressed the FWB button on his profile without knowing what it stood for. The drama quickly moves on, after introducing the main cast, though the fatal attraction between the male lead and the female was kind of off. The rest of it went by in a frantic speed, till we reached the final collition and the concution. So, yes, the story is too quick and brushes off many things that could have aided to the development of the story.
Still, the filmography was spot on, dark, seductive and mysterious. It had this thriller feeling to it, keeping things suspenseful. The performances were pretty good too. Finally, the OST were spot on.
So, overall, 6 out of 10.