1 review
If you were ever intrigued by blindness, this film is for you. Julie Vosin as "Aurore Blin" is very convincing as a blind woman, you see that she is outside reality. Her eyes tell the whole story. It's particularly surprising for at least according to IMDb pictures, she's very pretty, and that's all gone here, where she acts as what she should be.
Herni Blin is fine, without him the film would be lost. He conveys exactly what he has to: weakness that "comes with the handicap" but also wittiness and courage. Julie Delarme is also very well cast. Seems meek, but has enough initiative to be the couple's eyes. A very sympathetic face, if I may add. Louis Braille of course is fine. Whereas the chief of the blind's refuge is completely stereotyped, not once do we see a real person.
Hubert Koundé did things like an episode at the below average "la cour des grands" to the very good "the constant gardner" (a better role). Here I'l like better character development, he just follows the stereotype us whites may have of "big sporty black men". That's why I say films like the one with Fiennes are more adult.
Belgian TV must be something not to be missed if they air shows like this on a regular basis!
The film dwells on what we normally don't notice: the importance of sounds and the "6th sense" that blind people must use everyday for ... daily life! The scene when Henri is chased by a soldier after he falls from his horse is still with me way after I've seen the film.
The way the French can move from "nowadays" to "XIX century" is moving. Evidently, this country loves (its) history. Commendable!
Herni Blin is fine, without him the film would be lost. He conveys exactly what he has to: weakness that "comes with the handicap" but also wittiness and courage. Julie Delarme is also very well cast. Seems meek, but has enough initiative to be the couple's eyes. A very sympathetic face, if I may add. Louis Braille of course is fine. Whereas the chief of the blind's refuge is completely stereotyped, not once do we see a real person.
Hubert Koundé did things like an episode at the below average "la cour des grands" to the very good "the constant gardner" (a better role). Here I'l like better character development, he just follows the stereotype us whites may have of "big sporty black men". That's why I say films like the one with Fiennes are more adult.
Belgian TV must be something not to be missed if they air shows like this on a regular basis!
The film dwells on what we normally don't notice: the importance of sounds and the "6th sense" that blind people must use everyday for ... daily life! The scene when Henri is chased by a soldier after he falls from his horse is still with me way after I've seen the film.
The way the French can move from "nowadays" to "XIX century" is moving. Evidently, this country loves (its) history. Commendable!