1 review
The leads Li Hsuan and Ting Chiang are also spouses. My copy is a VHS size and quality digital file. The dialog is Chinese, no subtitles, and I do not speak Chinese.
Men on horseback ride over the opening credits. They dismount and enter a tea house. People flee on sight of them. They molest the attractive waitress. A hero arrives before she is raped in public. Next there's a fight in the snowy woods. Cut back to our bad guy discussing something with his men. They go to the teahouse and people flee again. One girl with a sword remains at her table. They fight. (It's not a good fight. The stunt men hesitate to connect swords at times and look too eager to be thrown off the balcony.) She gets unexpected help from a bearded man who leaves without identifying himself. The hero from the waitress incident arrives in passing.
Trying to watch this in a foreign language is possible. It is clear who the good guys and bad guys are but the story behind their actions can only be guessed. What causes the fast forward or stop button to be pressed is simple: The fights are not worth watching. I could describe how bad they are in detail but what is the point? I cannot recommend this movie to anyone. For fans of martial arts movies of the golden age from 1967 to 1984 I can simply say: I watched this one so you do not have to. Try something else.