7 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 83The A.V. ClubThe A.V. ClubToys In The Attic is its own dark creation, filled with imagery reminiscent of Tim Burton in his prime as well as the odd Cold War metaphor.
- 75Slant MagazineNick SchagerSlant MagazineNick SchagerJirí Barta's film is a disturbing through-the-looking-glass reflection of traditional fairy tales.
- The movie is passionately retro, but Barta shows his methods can create a world every bit as engrossing as the latest CGI.
- 70The New York TimesManohla DargisThe New York TimesManohla DargisThe movie should be manna for anyone who likes animated fantasias without wisecracks, commercials and overwrought warbling about self-actualization, meaning that it's suitable for those who will grow up either to be the next Tim Burton or simply to enjoy his movies.
- The narrative, though, is mere scaffolding for Barta's richly realized world, a kind of hand-hewn 3-D cinema that's testament to the limitlessness of imagination.
- 50Washington PostMichael O'SullivanWashington PostMichael O'SullivanThe question isn't whether Toys in the Attic is any good. The question is: good for whom?
- 40Time OutDavid FearTime OutDavid FearRather than presenting the original Czech version, American distributors have opted to release an English-dubbed edition, headed up by writer, director and actor Vivian Schilling (who voices the kidnapped doll Buttercup) - and the result is a tonal disaster.