1/12- The Eighth Doctor after defeating the Master, has returned to Gallifrey to place his enemy in prison. But before leaving the time lords put the Doctor on a mission.
The TARDIS has been hijacked and taken by unknown force, the Doctor is is stranded on Earth, with no friends no back up, with only one option call UNIT, but will they help the Doctor in his time of need?.
The Doctor and the Brigadier have uncovered the Autons, hidden within global plastics, the Doctor's new friends are trapped in the in building with him, as they must get out and stop the Auton plan.
The Daleks have prepared a full scale invasion upon time itself, Gallifrey is in danger and so is the Doctor. The Daleks are travelling back in Doctor's time line and capturing his past self's, but for what gain?
The Doctor has started to fight back against the Daleks, Racing them through time and stop the Daleks from capturing his past self, by rescuing them, one by one. The five Doctor must learn to get along and stop the Daleks.
Joyce, Ellie and David arrive on Earth to see a world that has changed. The Doctor has been taken over by the Fendhal and has become evil. Joyce must take charge, her only plan is to kill the Doctor.