Thu, Mar 24, 2022
When I was a child, my sister and I would bug him every Saturday night for the next installation of the ongoing adventures of Captain Mouse, the world's tiniest superhero. But there was always one night's story that stuck with me into adulthood. It was about Captain Mouse's trip to the jungle. I learned from Mom that Dad fought in Vietnam a few years later... "Defender of the weak, Speaker for the meek, Captain Mouse. He'll save them all, If they're big or if they're small. Captain Mouse. With all his friends Your favorite story now begins!"
Thu, May 19, 2022
On my fifth loop, I finally look at her eyes. It's like they cracked open on impact. A course of needles dashes down my spine, this time not from the injury I got a similar way this young woman who maybe jumped and landed on my rug did. "I'm just as stunned as you". Written by Megan Wildhood.
Thu, Jun 2, 2022
On my fifth loop, I finally look at her eyes. It's like they cracked open on impact. A course of needles dashes down my spine, this time not from the injury I got a similar way this young woman who maybe jumped and landed on my rug did. "I'm just as stunned as you. Written by Alicia Cay.
Thu, Jun 23, 2022
Ilsa ate with the women, spent her evenings striding from fire to fire, ensuring everyone's emotions were reserved for the battlefield. Her nights, however, and her mornings, she spent violating her duty, selfishly ignoring every mandate of the empire Mother fought to forge. Written by Rebecca E. Treasure.