- CineDump [Jessie Hobson]
- Cinerama Film [Neil Baker]
- Common Sense Media [Kat Halstead]
- Electric Shadows [Rob Daniel]
- Eye for Film [Jennie Kermode]
- Gazettely [Shahrbanoo Golmohamadi]
- Love Horror [Gavin Brown]
- Movie Reviews 101 [Darren Lucas]
- Movies and Mania [Collection of Film Criticism]
- My Bloody Reviews [Sean Cockwell]
- Nerdly [Phil Wheat]
- Overly Honest Movie Reviews [Chris Jones]
- Projected Figures [Anton Bitel]
- TerrorWeekend.com [Javier S. Donate]
- Spanish
- The Fright Club NI [Victoria Brown]
- The Good, the Bad, and the Verdict [Mike Imboden, Joseph Perry]
- The Guardian [Leslie Felperin]
- The Kim Newman Website [Kim Newman]
- TL;DR Movie Reviews and Analysis [Brian MacNamara]
- Voices from the Balcony [Jim Morazzini]
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