31 reviews
It's times like this, when I wonder, what is wrong with our world. What has happened to our society, and WHY WE ARE WE WATCHING THINGS LIKE THIS? Why do we have garbage programming for the lowest denominator like this, making little girls look like plastic dolls, with fake everything. Want to know why our economy is going? Possibly because of this, and other shows that mindless "humans" watch. These poor kids need to spend their time being kids, not being test subjects for pageant moms. What they need to do at "The Learning Channel" TLC, cancel this and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I mean, I've seen rocks and bricks with more entertainment value than this. I wish I could rate 0 out of 10.
- winniethepoohandluigi
- Jul 31, 2013
- Permalink
This mothers are, for sure, mentally ill and the children will be too. I watch an episode yesterday just to see how far they go and there was a mother yelling with her 4 years old daughter because she was to fast on stage and telling that she would get her a cat if she win the contest. The way she talk to the little girl, the mood changes, just like a schizophrenic! one child was sick and the parents forced her to participate instead going home to take care of her. I have no words to describe how awful this his. Can't authorities stop this contests??? This mothers don't have skills to educate a healthy child... as someone already said, it will take years of therapy to this children!
- sandra-isidoro-santos
- Jul 26, 2013
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I don't know how this show could even use the word beauty. It should use the word "artificial". The children do not even look like themselves after being subjected to false finger nails, wigs, eyelashes, tans, hair extensions, and over the top makeup. Have I left anything out? Painting 20 year old faces on children is almost obscene. I saw one mother even put false toe nails on her daughter. I can't help remembering one mother who prayed with her two little girls, both contestants, before their pageant that they would bring home a crown. She mentioned bringing home a crown twice during her so-called prayer. I, too, believe that the parents love crowing to family and friends when their children win something. Most of the children get so tired. The show got truly stupid after some parents did all the expressions, movements and prancing around for their children to copy. They did everything except get up on the stage themselves. Apparently the pageant people don't care what goes on as long as they get their entrance fees.
Are you kidding me? Pain , sexualising 2 yrs old , evil mothers.. People, this is Toddlers and Tiaras : Mothers actually FORCE the daughters to win for them. I feel sorry for the girls!!! STOP ABUSING CHILDREN IN TV JUST FOR FUN!!!
- annalisamazza
- Sep 3, 2018
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I wanna bitchslap each and every one of the adults involved in this. Treating children like this is cruel and literally abusive. I don't even care if 99% of it is staged, it is still absolutely wrong. These people are using their kids for their own agenda. You're all disgusting. The only good thing that could come out of this is the fact that therapists all around the states are gonna get rich. Assuming of course that these "people" have the decency to consult with one.It's at least a pity to see that the US, a vast continent with endless resources, talent, bright new ideas and the means to produce material that can easily have a global reach, is wasting it's time on traumatizing countless children. Including everyone participating in that ghastly show and each person who watched this. This is simply poison which helps in the creation of a superficial and problematic generation. And to anyone out there who can actually enjoy watching more than 5 minutes of these, you all need to see a psychiatrist.
- worlddominationwillbemine
- Jan 3, 2018
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- moldwarrior
- Jan 7, 2013
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This has got to be the worst show I've ever been witness to. I think mothers who allow their children (even if their child begs them) to compete in pageants should have their kids taken away from them by social services. Not a single mother talks to their child about being a gracious winner or a good loser. The trash talk and bad mouthing these women do about each other as well as some other person's child is setting a horrible example for their kids. Not a single mother stresses the importance of being a good person, being kind and caring and treating everyone with dignity and respect.Not one person on this show emphasizes inner beauty. And I have to say, if my child EVER sassed me the way some of these kids sass their parents or if my child threw
fits and smacked me or threw stuff at me--there isn't a reason good enough for a child to get away with that. I'd be taking my child out to the wood shed and tan their backside for them. I know that no child is perfectly behaved all the time, they get tired and cranky. However, they wouldn't be nearly as tired and cranky if you weren't hauling them all over the place and making them perform like little monkeys. I know beauty pageants are supposed to be to help fund a child to attend college--to teach them poise and grace but unfortunately when most of the money these kids earn doesn't seem to be going into savings for anything. Most of the money seems to go for travel, meals, entry fees and costumes so that they can be entered in more pageants.
fits and smacked me or threw stuff at me--there isn't a reason good enough for a child to get away with that. I'd be taking my child out to the wood shed and tan their backside for them. I know that no child is perfectly behaved all the time, they get tired and cranky. However, they wouldn't be nearly as tired and cranky if you weren't hauling them all over the place and making them perform like little monkeys. I know beauty pageants are supposed to be to help fund a child to attend college--to teach them poise and grace but unfortunately when most of the money these kids earn doesn't seem to be going into savings for anything. Most of the money seems to go for travel, meals, entry fees and costumes so that they can be entered in more pageants.
- roseannepickering
- Oct 25, 2016
- Permalink
This show might just be the worst thing to ever air on television in the history of television. There is not one positive quality Toddlers & Tiaras possesses albeit it can be entertaining at times. The sheer stupidity of the parents and kids is something worth seeing. Watch one episode, just to have a couple laughs (or be frustrated and disgusted at the parents, though that's not going to fix anything), but that's about all you need to get the gist of how bad it is.
All in all, Toddlers & Tiaras should not exist, but is still funny to watch when there is nothing on television and you are extremely desperate for entertainment.
All in all, Toddlers & Tiaras should not exist, but is still funny to watch when there is nothing on television and you are extremely desperate for entertainment.
This is one of the worst shows ever to hit T.V. besides Little Miss Perfect. I could not tolerate even after 2 minutes of this garbage. This show is about moms teaching their kids how to dress up like a prostitute for pageants that are below the age of about 8! This show is supposed to be about toddlers, why do they got seven year olds in there?
This title doesn't even make sense! The kids are ugly, the moms are pressuring their kids to do challenging exercises, why can't they just treat their kid as if they were a kid? I can't believe what America has come to! Seriously, this series has got to be fake!
This title doesn't even make sense! The kids are ugly, the moms are pressuring their kids to do challenging exercises, why can't they just treat their kid as if they were a kid? I can't believe what America has come to! Seriously, this series has got to be fake!
- Aleta_Nook
- Feb 1, 2016
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- lambiepie-2
- Aug 26, 2009
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- pingpongtable
- Jul 30, 2011
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This show needs to be removed from television, disgusted and disturbed- can't believe I watched one episode.
AH yes, everyone wanted a show about forcing your toddlers to dress up like barbie dolls for the simple factor of depressed, sad parents, who have nothing to live for other then making your kids your only life legacy, shame on you TLC for this monstrosity.
- maxxemelon
- Apr 25, 2021
- Permalink
Oh my freaking god, I just stumbled upon this page and I was laughing hard at the horrible rating that this show got and definitely DESERVED. A 1.8/10, I mean, that was freaking hilarious to even see a show I really hate get a rating that low. I hope it gets more an more 1/10s so it can plunge down to an even lower rating, lower than those terrible Justin Bieber documentaries which both got a 1.5/10. At least it's a full point lower than that fat piece of crap, Honey Boo Boo's show, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo got (It should have Toddlers and Tiaras' rating, a ONE point 8 out of 10, but it currently has a TWO point 8 out of 10).
- doyouwanticecream
- Jul 19, 2014
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- maykennon-64639
- Apr 16, 2015
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- leahpereda
- Jun 8, 2019
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This show is sooo painfully annoying, it even makes Caillou so enjoyable (I hate Caillou), so why is this bad?,Ok so the kids are spoiled brats, the parents don't do anything!!!,not even I would act like this when I was young. So I don't recommend this to parents who have kids in beauty pagents, I wouldn't even recommend to kids if they make these kids bratty. (edit: The parents are so abusive to their children as well!!!)
- urquidistefanie
- Dec 16, 2021
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I had watched this show a few months ago, and recently saw it resurface online due to how deservedly terrible of a reputation it has, so I felt compelled to make a review on this show.
I don't normally write such negative reviews, but this is genuinely very close to one of the worst television shows I have ever seen. And that's against some stiff competition.
The first problem I have with this 'show' is pretty glaring. These toddlers are blatantly being used for a beauty pageant by some mothers who are probably using their children to do something that they couldn't do. I wonder what shoving the camera in such a young toddler's face would do to their self esteem? I obviously haven't had that experience and is not something I would wish for anyone, but it must be incredibly detrimental.
I don't normally say these sorts of things about people, since I try my utmost to be polite, but it is VERY clear the mothers themselves are most likely desperate for attention and fame and will do anything for it, even if it means besmirching their own reputation by joining this absolutely horrendous show.
There's nothing of value to this show. It's completely inane and vapid. It's barely even a show to begin with. The show is problematic in even the most fundamental aspects and it's obvious seeing as this show is one of the lowest rated on all of IMDB. It's trash. Just absolute trash. I don't recommend that anyone else go through the torture of watching this.
I don't normally write such negative reviews, but this is genuinely very close to one of the worst television shows I have ever seen. And that's against some stiff competition.
The first problem I have with this 'show' is pretty glaring. These toddlers are blatantly being used for a beauty pageant by some mothers who are probably using their children to do something that they couldn't do. I wonder what shoving the camera in such a young toddler's face would do to their self esteem? I obviously haven't had that experience and is not something I would wish for anyone, but it must be incredibly detrimental.
I don't normally say these sorts of things about people, since I try my utmost to be polite, but it is VERY clear the mothers themselves are most likely desperate for attention and fame and will do anything for it, even if it means besmirching their own reputation by joining this absolutely horrendous show.
There's nothing of value to this show. It's completely inane and vapid. It's barely even a show to begin with. The show is problematic in even the most fundamental aspects and it's obvious seeing as this show is one of the lowest rated on all of IMDB. It's trash. Just absolute trash. I don't recommend that anyone else go through the torture of watching this.
- spongebobqtentacles
- Aug 3, 2023
- Permalink
So stop blaming the US for this trash.
.It's times like this, when I wonder, what is wrong with our world. What has happened to our society, and WHY WE ARE WE WATCHING THINGS LIKE THIS? Why do we have garbage programming for the lowest denominator like this, making little girls look like plastic dolls, with fake everything. Want to know why our economy is going? Possibly because of this, and other shows that mindless "humans" watch. These poor kids need to spend their time being kids, not being test subjects for pageant moms. What they need to do at "The Learning Channel" TLC, cancel this and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I mean, I've seen rocks and bricks with more entertainment value than this. I wish I could rate 0 out of 10.
.It's times like this, when I wonder, what is wrong with our world. What has happened to our society, and WHY WE ARE WE WATCHING THINGS LIKE THIS? Why do we have garbage programming for the lowest denominator like this, making little girls look like plastic dolls, with fake everything. Want to know why our economy is going? Possibly because of this, and other shows that mindless "humans" watch. These poor kids need to spend their time being kids, not being test subjects for pageant moms. What they need to do at "The Learning Channel" TLC, cancel this and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I mean, I've seen rocks and bricks with more entertainment value than this. I wish I could rate 0 out of 10.
- friend-40336
- Jan 11, 2023
- Permalink
The same people complaining are likely the same people that exploits their children on social media and in real life. I ask what's the difference? Not much.
Not saying this show was not hash because it was. But America is filled with hypocrites and metaphorically blind people.
Anyways... T and T was a show about Southern American families forcing their children into beauty parents, mental breakdowns and being spiritual deprived.
Some families took the beauty contests too seriously by dressing up their children from babies to preteen into gallons of make up and into skimpy or ugly clothing, just so the parents can live through their child and win something for the first time in their normie lives.
Many of the children were rude, mean, spoiled and without any positive spirits in their bodies.
These types of events and behaviours continued today all over America and all over the world at an alarming rate, but for the last 3 years people's only concern was if you wore a face mask.
T and T was a bad show. They only filmed rotten scenes for ratings. I'm sure there were tons of positive scenes and parents that happened, but that isn't good for TV.
I'm not saying to ban child pageants. They have some positives like build self-esteem, discovering career path ideas, and you get to travel and meet people you may not care about, I just think everything is about how it's done. T and T was done toxicly.
These pageants have been going on for centuries, I'm pretty sure many children grew up just fine.
Again, T and T was about polluting the viewers minds with junk. If they displayed any productive scenes, then No one would have cared so much to even discuss the show.
Overall, bad show that demonstrated toxic behaviour to draw ratings by using normies to exploit their children for personal agendas and to manipulate the people.
It's all about how it's done. T and T was hash.
Not saying this show was not hash because it was. But America is filled with hypocrites and metaphorically blind people.
Anyways... T and T was a show about Southern American families forcing their children into beauty parents, mental breakdowns and being spiritual deprived.
Some families took the beauty contests too seriously by dressing up their children from babies to preteen into gallons of make up and into skimpy or ugly clothing, just so the parents can live through their child and win something for the first time in their normie lives.
Many of the children were rude, mean, spoiled and without any positive spirits in their bodies.
These types of events and behaviours continued today all over America and all over the world at an alarming rate, but for the last 3 years people's only concern was if you wore a face mask.
T and T was a bad show. They only filmed rotten scenes for ratings. I'm sure there were tons of positive scenes and parents that happened, but that isn't good for TV.
I'm not saying to ban child pageants. They have some positives like build self-esteem, discovering career path ideas, and you get to travel and meet people you may not care about, I just think everything is about how it's done. T and T was done toxicly.
These pageants have been going on for centuries, I'm pretty sure many children grew up just fine.
Again, T and T was about polluting the viewers minds with junk. If they displayed any productive scenes, then No one would have cared so much to even discuss the show.
Overall, bad show that demonstrated toxic behaviour to draw ratings by using normies to exploit their children for personal agendas and to manipulate the people.
It's all about how it's done. T and T was hash.
- ThunderKing6
- Jun 4, 2022
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- k_hutchison4
- Sep 14, 2012
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- bettybooprocks
- Jan 24, 2024
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Not only are the children on this show subjected to over-the-top beauty standards that will make them insecure for the rest of their lives, but they are also subjected to live with their terrible, competitive, and selfish parents. It is hard to watch children become distressed and cry because their parents make them unwillingly participate in beauty pageants. The cherry on top is that a majority of these kids are being heavily sexualized since they are made to wear bathing suits and dance in a provocative manner. It doesn't help that all of these kids' parents are obsessed with winning to the point where they will shame either their own or somebody else's kids.
- smashmouthallstar
- Jan 31, 2024
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