An entire school of dirty, smelly, drunken, stoned, cynical and amoral teens? Even the one kid with a respectable demeanor is a drug dealer and a forgery expert. Add in administrators who bury their heads in the sand, and a morose detective with a grudge that we never even get the full back story on.
Having said all that, I did like the concept of a middle aged detective assigned to a case at his old high school, and incorporating a handicap issue.
The plot was too hard and vague for me to follow. I watched it all and I still don't fully understand who did it and why. That's not a good sign.
The description mentions a small town, but it's clearly not. That is a big mistake. This is an urban setting that is obviously in a fairly upscale, secular area of Greater Tel Aviv. The urban aspect is part of what alienates the kids. Because there is no small town vibe.
By not including any normal kids, you get the sense that the entire student body is disaffected. That is not realistic.
Nevertheless, the actors played their parts convincingly, and our lead's intensity mixed with care was intriguing.