Not sure why some other reviewers simply dismiss this show, one that does make sense, but I'll admit it's not for everyone (I agree with one reviewer, maybe the sceptics ARE Americans, because this was 10 times better than any American spy thriller IMO); Is everything realistic? Are all the actors Oscar worthy? Was its writing team stellar? These questions are legitimate ones, but it's all too far to dismiss them as amateurs or that the show was dumb. Shows in Europe and the UK have a high standard when it comes to green-lighting shows, and so your better come with actual ammunition to prove this show wasn't worth a watch. I'm not sure about the sceptics, but that's not why I watch things.
The fact is the story was there, and it absolutely kept me on my toes Wondering what might the truth be. The opening line referring to powerful men putting themselves against truth actually tied the show up in a neat bow, and in my opinion justified the sometimes messy, but complex plot. The truth was certainly being messed with, to the protagonists AND the audience. Both were left fighting to figure out the truth, and wondering who might be messing with it.
Ignore the 1 stars, it's all too easy to dismiss something when you're only after a rush from amateur roasting.
Would highly recommend.