Amber Heard credited as playing...
- Nurse Lundt: What is it? What's the matter?
- Kristen: [sobbing] Something was in here.
- [as injection is prepared:]
- Kristen: Look, listen to me. Something was in there. Something not... not right, not... not human.
- Nurse Lundt: It's gonna be okay. We just need to calm you down.
- Kristen: Please, you've got to believe me!
- [needle pierces her skin]
- Nurse Lundt: [little cup with pills] Here, take these.
- Kristen: No...!
- Nurse Lundt: [sternly] It's not a request.
- Kristen: [frowns, takes the cardboard cup] What are they?
- Dr. Stringer: Something to help you get better.
- Kristen: [dips pills out onto floor, stomps on them] You're right, I feel better already.
- Nurse Lundt: [sternly] You would do well to follow the rules around here, young lady.
- Dr. Stringer: That will be all for now, Nurse Lundt.
- Nurse Lundt: Yes, Doctor.
- [leaves]
- Kristen: Why am I here?
- Dr. Stringer: That's the sixty-four thousand dollar question.
- Iris: He's a great doctor. I overheard the staff talking about him. Apparently the way he's dealing with us is some sort of experimental therapy.
- [proudly:]
- Iris: Futuristic kind of stuff.
- Kristen: And what do I need to say to this guy to get out of lock-down? I mean, you know, to get night privileges?
- Iris: [shaking her head] No one has night privileges.
- Kristen: Did you treat a girl named Alice?
- Dr. Stringer: Where did you hear that name?
- Kristen: That's who attacked me in the shower. You're not gonna answer me, are you? What happened to Iris? How many girls have disappeared at this hospital? Nurse Lundt was wiping someone's name off the door when I got here.
- Dr. Stringer: Well, you were heavily sedated. I'm sure you believe you saw what you say.
- Kristen: [scoffs, shakes her head] It happened.
- [remembers it clear as day]
- Kristen: What happened to them?
- Dr. Stringer: To whom?
- Kristen: To Iris. Alice. Tammy. Are they dead?
- Dr. Stringer: Why would you think they're dead?
- Kristen: [leaning closer to him over desk] There's a ghost in here.
- Dr. Stringer: A ghost? What does it look like?
- Kristen: A girl. The one that attacked me in the shower! The one I see in the halls!
- [sits back]
- Kristen: Same with the other girls.
- [shakes her head]
- Kristen: I know they've seen her too. So, please... Tell me what's going on here!
- [stands, leaning on desk, imploring look in her eyes:]
- Kristen: Please!
- Dr. Stringer: [shakes his head] I can't give you the answers, Kristen. You have to find them for yourself.
- Kristen: Emily! What happened?
- Emily: Those orderlies caught me. And they hurt my arms.
- [Kristen sighs, closes her eyes]
- Emily: Did you find Iris?
- Kristen: No.
- [shakes her head]
- Kristen: No. She's gone. She's not coming back. Look... if we don't get out of here, we're next.
- Emily: We're not getting out.
- Kristen: We have to try again.
- Emily: Nobody. Gets. Out.
- Sarah: So, you and your coo-coo bird have fun sneaking out last night?
- Kristen: [sighs] Go away.
- Sarah: You could have gotten us all in trouble.
- Kristen: We were looking for Iris.
- Sarah: And?
- Kristen: Couldn't find her.
- Sarah: Well, you probably weren't looking in the right places.
- [indicating Emily, derisive:]
- Sarah: Not with Magellan over there.
- Emily: Sometimes when they take people away, they don't come back... And Tammy didn't come back.
- Kristen: Who's Tammy?
- Iris: She's the last one that got out.
- Kristen: What did you say?
- Dr. Stringer: Iris... You know we never discuss people who aren't present.
- Kristen: Why - why can't we talk about Tammy? Who's Tammy?