If this shows us one thing, that it is impossible to trust eye witnesses. At least you should question most of them - so best way to know for sure is surveilance? Do we really want every inch of this planet to be filmed at all times? It would solve certain questions and problems ... on the other hand, forget about privace, not to mention that even that wouldn't be something that you could trust entirely (with hackers and software that can alter video footage and so forth).
All that aside (conspiracies be damned), the show goes on to bring us close to a murder mystery that some still may feel is not entirely solved. The main thing missing is the why - although if you google the case, you may be able to find an answer to that. But also just if you believe what this show is based on. It may be the most likely case (no pun intended) of what occured back then ... but who really knows? Still this is quite the intriguing if very slow burning retelling of what happened ... something that will excite certain people and not be enough for others.
The actors are great in this - and the subtle treatment works most of the time. You may feel like certain things are pointless, but such is life ... (un)like it or not.