The Last Ache (2009)
Nolan Wanecke: Ezra
Ezra : It followed me everywhere. My other senses dulled. My ears felt like lead. I could hear it in the streets, indoors, in my sleep. There was no escape.
Ezra : One night I thought about smothering him with a pillow. But that would have been crazy. Sure, Charles would have to disappear. But not like that. It had to be clean.
Ezra : I had a stash of Monodrialine left over from when I was seeing this doctor about a dream I used to have.
Ezra : Feed someone a little Monodrialine and they're looking at a serious nap.
Ezra : It was supposed to take months. A strong build-up. Then up the dosage, strip him to his boxers and take him way out. Kid starts sleepwalking, one night he goes too far. Dies of exposure. Clean. Simple. Sane. But it didn't go that way.