- Kimball Cho: I could arrest you for that.
- Patrick Jane: You'll never take me alive, copper.
- Kimball Cho: Seriously.
- Patrick Jane: Seriously. It's Marilyn and Charlie. What? Do you want to make a comedy arrest? See your name written in the weird news section?
- Felicia Scott: Patrick, would you do me a favor?
- Patrick Jane: Oh, I might.
- Felicia Scott: Tell Sydney I'm sorry. I see now, on reflection, I wasn't the stepmother I might've been. I'm sorry for that. I did try. I hope and pray she doesn't become bitter. But that she finds happiness.
- [sobs]
- Felicia Scott: Because happiness is so hard to find. Once you find it, you better hang on tight. Or you lose it.
- Patrick Jane: That's true... That's true.
- Kimball Cho: So what do you know, Mitch?
- Mitch Cavanaugh: Nothing.
- Kimball Cho: Jane says you know stuff.
- Mitch Cavanaugh: And he's always right, is he?
- Kimball Cho: Pretty much.
- Kimball Cho: Where were you going when you found the victim?
- Charlie Chaplin: I don't speak.
- Kimball Cho: In the movies, no. But here in the real world, you speak. You just did.
- Patrick Jane: Bullied at school were you?
- Mitch Cavanaugh: I was not, actually.
- Patrick Jane: Sure you were. Even now, after all these years, you lie awake sometimes thinking of all the ways that you could wreak revenge on your tormentors. And now out of fear and avarice, you let this man, Fanning, bully you the same way. Mitch, it's the same way, the same thing. You gotta get a life.
- Teresa Lisbon: Or get arrested.
- Patrick Jane: What was it that first attracted you to your husband? Not his looks.
- Felicia Scott: Oh really?
- Patrick Jane: Yeah, really. He's not your type.
- Felicia Scott: And what is my type?
- Patrick Jane: Sporty bad boys with a hidden masochistic streak.
- Felicia Scott: Aha.
- Patrick Jane: Not too bright.
- Felicia Scott: Not even close.
- Patrick Jane: [smiling] No, that was a bulls-eye. So what did you like about Felix?
- Patrick Jane: I think I know what happened here, Sydney. I'm wondering if you do, too.
- Sydney Hanson: Uh, yeah. My boyfriend shot my dad. And then my stepmom shot my boyfriend. My life is like a sick joke.
- Kimball Cho: What is your work?
- Marilyn Monroe: [gesturing to her outfit] I'm Marilyn.
- Kimball Cho: How's that your work?
- Teresa Lisbon: That was your weed and your pills we found in the car, wasn't it?
- Sydney Hanson: You're the man, you figure it out.
- Teresa Lisbon: Mitchell Cavanaugh, you're under arrest.
- Patrick Jane: Oh, Mitch, I thought we worked through your doormat issues. Tell Cho to squeeze him a little. He knows things.
- Mitch Cavanaugh: No, I don't.
- Patrick Jane: Sure you do, Mitch.
- Teresa Lisbon: You're not gonna like getting squeezed by Cho.
- Gabriel Fanning: [quietly] Die screaming, malignant harpy.
- Felicia Scott: I'm sorry, I missed that, what?
- Gabriel Fanning: Listen man, I'm an artist, okay? I'm arrogant, I'm dishonest and I'm childish. But you know what? I'm not stupid. I do not think I am above the law.