A well-paced film with drama , human relationships , fights and a surprising finale . It deals with a manager called Orsini : Gary Piquer and his fighter , Jacob Van Open: Jouko Ahola , known as the strongest man in the world, both of whom live to organise wrestling championships in small cities of South America. As Orsini offering a a large prize whom defies and get winning , until one day arrive in Santa Maria town , where things go wrong when appears a hunk challenger , as the trip ends up happening a twisted conclusion .
A sympathetic and attractive film about two drifters who travel by earning money , organizing wrestling tournaments until the trip finishes taking an unexpected turn . The movie concerns interesting issues as friendship, fidelity and pride . The film results to be acceptable and passable , though it relies heavily on continuous talking between the two protagonists : Gary Piquer and Jouko Ahola , both of whom giving decent interpretations , however , mostly speaking in English language . As Gary Piquer -who produced as well- is pretty good as a flamboyant entrepreneur who drifts through South America to get some money . While Jouko Ahola is fine as the wrestler exploited by the impresario with fraudulent combats and eventually decides to change the things .
It displays a lively and enjoyable musical score by Mikel Salas , including South Amercan sounds and charming songs . As well as colorful and glimmering cinematography by Alvaro Gutiérrez shot on location in Urugay . The motion picture was professionally directed by Álvaro Brechner . Álvaro was born in 1976 , Montevideo, Uruguay . He is a nice filmmaker , writer and producer , being especially known for "A Twelve Year Night" , "Mr Kaplan" and this "Mal Día Para Pescar" or "Bad Day go Fishing" 2009 . And it won several deserved nominations and Awards . Well worth watching .