I enjoyed very much and was informed by the business and economic discussions which have knowledge value outside the climate discussion, however the film works hard on climate fear which is dealt with a bit hysterically as tends to be the case when millennial Trustifarian elites discuss the topic.
Not the only thing, but one thing I thought the film maker dealt with dishonestly was holding up the netherlands use of bicycles as a virtuous and "non fossil fuel" mode of transport, as if North American's would not ride their bikes IF THEY COULD. Our topography, geographical distances and weather means that only a small portion of us can rely on our bikes to get where we need to go. Many urban centres in NA are similar to Toronto where we have 9 months of ice/snow and a very hilly city and much larger distances than they do in say Amsterdam. I know as I lived there that you can't compare the 2 situations. Torontonians don't have the public transport infrastructure to rely on it. And we have rules against bringing bikes on trains. So one cannot realistically use their bike for a work commute. My train ticket is $18 from a suburb to downtown where you can connect with the underground trains or buses for an additional cost. . It costs $300-$450 per month to park at the train station (not downtown, money can't buy a parking spot there) and then there's the cost of the train ticket itself. I would like to ride my bike to the train station, but that costs $$ and you are not guaranteed a spot and often there isn't one and you aren't allowed to lock your bike to the fence (it'll get removed). And my bike was stolen 4 times. Worse if if you need to travel to another urban centre - a budget rail ticket costs $400 to Montreal last I priced it (1 way). Although the film does arrive at the need for governmental intervention in the matters of infrastructure, a valuable observation.