I heard that the way they got the Chimpanzee's to look like they were talking in the PG Tips advert was to give them Peanut Butter...I'm convinced the same tactic was used with these 'Actors'.
I have never seen such a ridiculous film in my life. The DVD case gives it the look of a fairly average film priced at £8 when I bought it. Now I feel like I've funded terrorism or organised crime by purchasing such a dodgy film. If I went out by myself into the woods with a phone camera and a toy gun I would still make a better film than this...
Even when me and a friend was drunk and put this film on we could only bare the first 5 minutes. It made me want to take a rusty spoon to remove my eyes.
Whoever was responsible for this film, I hope you feel ashamed and consider another career, possibly rice picking in Cambodia far far away...
your pal Andy