A different, unique and artistic approach on the life of poet Sousândrade, this short film presents the man's life, his poetry mostly revolving about the
History of Brazil and as images we have famous illustrations from the many different periods covered in the artist's work. The movie, narrated by the late great
poet Ferreira Gullar, presents a very summarized view of the artist life along with some excerpts from Sousândrade's works where he talks about the discovery of
Brazil by Portugal in 1500, then moves to the period of colonization all the way until reaching the period he lived, during the final years of monarchy and the
proclamation of republic in 1889.
I'm not much familiar with his works, I've found some of the poems used here somewhat funny, others confusing and a few others very reflective and relevant
to understand Brazilian reality of different periods. He talks about the colonization, the slavery of Indians and Africans, the fight for independence during the
Tiradentes era, some moments about Brazil's emperor and then the republic, of which he helped to form and he became an important teacher and figure in the political
circles but somehow he was shunned away from the movement in his final years.
For those who enjoy literature, music, illustrations or a conjunction of all of those elements we'll be pleasantly delighted with this movie. In case you're
wondering (like I did) the title comes from an epic poem of his which was made during a 30-year period. I'm somewhat curious to read it. 6/10.