- New York Times [Natalia Winkelman]
- 1 Sopa2Day [1soap2day.com]
- Assholes Watching Movies [Jay]
- Buen Cine [Mario Giacomelli]
- Spanish
- CervenyKoberec.cz [Daniel Haugwitz]
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- Cinemagavia [Cristian Urriaga Sepúlveda]
- Spanish
- Common Sense Media [JK Sooja]
- DC Review Blog
- De FilmBlog [Dave Hill]
- Dutch
- Digital Mafia Talkies (Sushrut Gopesh)
- Entertaining Movie [Anna]
- Esta Rosevear from SpoilerFreeReviews
- film-rezensionen.de [Oliver Armknecht]
- German
- filmdienst.de
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- Filmofiel.nl
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- filmsgraded.com [Brian Koller]
- Geek-Germany.de [Silon]
- German
- Guidinc.nl [Irma Tomas]
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- Hakai Magazine [Josh Silberg]
- Hollywood Gossip [Anna]
- Inverse [Jake Kleinman]
- It's Movie Time [John DeSando]
- LeisureByte (Pooja Darade)
- Love Popcorn [K Taylor]
- MovieBabble [Jack Edgar]
- Rama's Screen [Rama Tampubolon]
- ReadySteadyCut [Jonathon Wilson]
- Recenserie - Seaspiracy [ITA]
- Sobekan Tiket Bioskop [Timotius Prassanto] (Bahasa Indonesia)
- The Focus [Jane Corscadden]
- The Movie Buff [Dilip Poddar]
- The Peoples Movies [Alice Sampson]
- The Review Geek [Greg Wheeler]
- The Telegraph [Emma Gatten]
- UK Film Review [Taryll Baker]
- Vox [Daniel Pauly]
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