When 'JJ' kills the terrorist in the corridor, sulfuric acid spills out of his backpack dissolving a gun, key card as well as burning her clothes & skin.
The backpack, clothes and body of the terrorist which are laying in the acid never melt or are affected by the acid throughout the movie. At a later stage two of the terrorists slip in the corridor where the acid is and are not affected by it either.
The backpack, clothes and body of the terrorist which are laying in the acid never melt or are affected by the acid throughout the movie. At a later stage two of the terrorists slip in the corridor where the acid is and are not affected by it either.
The ETA of the approaching SEAL helos changes erratically from the "girl fight: sequence from: 67 minutes at their lift-off, to 50 minutes, to 15 minutes (comment from the White House Situation Room) to 22 minutes (voice over from the inbound helos two minutes later) to 17 minutes (from the White House again).
The missiles launched from Siberia are heading east towards the USA over the Pacific. This may look like a shorter route on a Mercator map, but a missile launching from Russia would fly over the north pole and Canada to reach a US target faster since the Earth is a globe. The Interceptor base would be kind of useless in the Pacific for this kind of attack scenario.
When Corporal Shah jumps out of the access hatch to the ocean he puts on a swim mask. No one jumping into the water from that height would wear a mask as it would be ripped off upon entering the water.
The 2 enlisted corporal's had their rank on upside down.
Alexander Kessel states he put the crew of the platform to sleep with a nerve agent released into the ventilation system. Aerosolized nerve agents are deadly poisons that cause asphyxiation or cardiac arrest- they don't put people to sleep.
Kessel's statement that the nerve agent put everybody "right to sleep" is a figure of speech; he acknowledges that the crew of the station were killed but felt nothing when they died. Shooting everybody to make sure was just insurance the nerve agent did indeed kill everybody.
Kessel's statement that the nerve agent put everybody "right to sleep" is a figure of speech; he acknowledges that the crew of the station were killed but felt nothing when they died. Shooting everybody to make sure was just insurance the nerve agent did indeed kill everybody.
When Captain Collins arrives via helicopter to the platform in the middle of the ocean, she exits the helicopter and there is no wind what so ever. Her hair and clothes do not move at all despite standing next to a helicopter with its rotor spinning and the sea in the background clearly has small waves, indicating some wind.
This scene was clearly shot inside against a green-screen.
This scene was clearly shot inside against a green-screen.
While the initial attacker to come up through the floor hatch may have used a later-discarded climbing rig to make the trip across the 'monkey bars' route, it seems very unlikely Beaver would have made the same trip after killing Shah.
at 1:12 the turtle water shot that indicates the listing of the platform is merely a rotated camera. The water in the tank is mostly level with the top of the tank which it would not be if the entire platform was listing.
When Captain Collins arrives, being outside she would wear a cover.
The rank on Army Corporal Shah and Baker's uniforms are upside down.
The TV Salesman continues to watch what is going on at the store even after the signal has been cut off.
Not that it would have done much good to the USA, the Captain should have provided the Swiss Bank account # to the White House so they could use it to track down as many people as involved. Clearly the USA would be going after everyone involved even if they had to break every law to do so.
Using acetylene torches to break down two blast doors would be much slower than simply opening a hatch in the roof.
The on-duty ensign who escorted Capt. Collins would not have had time to return to the Ops Center (or her quarters to be gassed) and if Beaver or the 'janitors' killed her in the passageway the Admiral would've seen her body on his way to the Captain's quarters, so she should've been available to help fight off the terrorists.
Alexander Kessel (an American) pronounces "Los Angeles" as "Los Angeleeze". No American pronounces it this way- but Australians and British people often do.
Alexander Kessel (an American) pronounces "erase" as "eraze". No American pronounces it this was but many Australians and British do.