Set in 2011, Crisis Act follows a YouTube conspiracy theorist named Pete (played by Antonino Pruiti) whose mounting internet fueled paranoia hits a dangerous breaking point for his mental health and physical safety when he discovers a lost phone with surveillance photos of him on it. Desperate as to who may be watching him and what they want, he arranges a meeting with one of his only remaining friends Zach (played by Trevor Ketcheson) at a local restaurant to seek help. Crisis Act was shot in true Guerrilla fashion, with no permits and shooting in a bustling downtown Toronto McDonald's; using pockets of loose change and cigarettes to ward off unwanted interest from the drug addled and homeless population that congregates in and around this fast food location. Crisis Act has gone on to be screened in over ten film festivals all over the world through Filmfreeway, and was the winner of Best Experimental Short at the Thinking Hat Fiction Challenge.
—Alex Gheorghe